Free chance to dispose of hazardous household waste

Free chance to dispose of hazardous household waste

0 개 3,467 NZ코리아포스트
Auckland Council’s HazMobile team is about to start its annual collections in the community, providing a free, easy opportunity for people to dispose of their hazardous household waste.

Kicking-off this year with a collection on Saturday in Three Kings, the free drive-through service is used by thousands of residents annually to dispose responsibly of their hazardous waste, including household and garden chemicals, batteries and gas cylinders.

Auckland Council Solid Waste Business Unit Manager Jon Roscoe says the HazMobile team will do 14 collections this year, moving between nine locations across the region, providing an easy and convenient solution for people who want to ensure their hazardous household material is disposed of appropriately and recycled if possible.

“All people need to do is box up their hazardous household waste, load it into their vehicle or trailer and drive to one of the allocated HazMobile sites on its collection date. There the experienced and trained HazMobile crew will unload people’s waste while they wait,” he says.

“Last year more than 8000 people utilised the HazMobile service and approximately 245,000kg of hazardous household waste was received and dealt with appropriately - keeping it away from people, water, soil or landfill where there is potential for harm.

“Hopefully this year we’ll see an increase in both the number of people taking advantage of this excellent free service and the volume of hazardous household waste we receive and can then ensure is disposed of safely or recycled if possible.”

As Mr Roscoe explains, the following items can be disposed of via the HazMobile service, or throughout the year at the Snell’s Beach, Silverdale and Waitakere refuse transfer stations:

•household chemicals (e.g. cleaning products, solvents and glues)
•garden chemicals (e.g. pesticide and fertiliser)
•automotive products (e.g. waste oil, petrol and brake fluid)
•fluorescent tubes
•energy-saving light bulbs
•gas cylinders
•mobile phones
•lead-based paint and anti-fouling paint

Mr Roscoe says people should advise the HazMobile team if they have any particularly hazardous, old or leaking waste so staff can be extra careful. They should also remain inside their vehicles at a HazMobile site to avoid putting themselves or staff at risk.

Hazmobile Auckland Collection Calendar - 2011





Three Kings

public carpark on <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />

Graham Breed Drive
, near the Fickling Centre

Sat 12 February,10am – 2pm


Public carpark in Lloyd Elsmore Park, near the netball court on

Sir Lloyd Drive

Sat 19 February, 10am - 2pm


Glen Innes

Glen Innes Community Centre carpark,

Line Road

Sat 5 March, 10am - 2pm


Western Springs

Public carpark on

Motions Road
, near the Zoo entrance

Sat 2 April, 10am - 2pm



Hooton carpark on

Oteha Valley Road
, off
Mills Lane

Sat 9 April, 10am - 2pm


Manukau City Centre

Manukau City Council staff carpark, entrance off

Putney Way

Sat 30 April, 10am - 2pm


Three Kings

Public carpark on

Graham Breed Drive
, near the Fickling Centre

Sat 14 May, 10am - 2pm



Staff carpark #1, Smales Farm Office Park, Corner Taharoto and Northcote Roads

Sat 2 July, 10am - 2pm



Franklin District Council Carpark,

Manukau Road

Sat 23 July, 10am - 2pm



Hooton carpark on

Oteha Valley Road
, off
Mills Lane

Sat 13 August, 10am - 2pm



Public carpark on

Elliot Street
, near the RSA and Ray Small Park

Sat 27 August, 10am - 2pm


Western Springs

Public carpark on

Motions Road
, near the Zoo entrance

Sat 5 November, 10am - 2pm



Public carpark in Lloyd Elsmore Park, near the netball court on

Sir Lloyd Drive

Sat 19 November, 10am - 2pm



Staff carpark #1, Smales Farm Office Park, Corner Taharoto and Northcote Roads

Sat 3 December, 10am - 2pm




To find out more about the HazMobile visit


For further information, please contact:

Toni Skiffington, Communications Adviser – Operations

Phone (09) 366 2534 or mobile 027 4717435

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