Civil Defence Update

Civil Defence Update

0 개 1,715 NZ코리아포스트
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake has occurred 10km south-east of Christchurch at 12:51, February 22, 2011. Depth (focal depth): 5km.

This has been followed by a number of aftershocks, the largest a magnitude 5.7 which was 6km deep and centred 10km east of Canterbury. There are areas of liquefaction in the central city, as well as telecommunications and power outages and reports of water in the streets.

Damage assessment (1620hrs):
The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) is assessing information with the assistance of scientific advisors and Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Groups.

The National Crisis Management Centre has been activated.
•To minimise loading on the telecommunications network, people should use txt messaging to check if friends and family are safe
•There are reports of fatalities and injuries and widespread building collapse (especially in the central city).
•The earthquake was felt widely across the South Island.
•Christchurch City declared a state of emergency at 1445 hrs.
•National agencies have been activated and are being coordinated via the National Crisis Management Centre.
•There are Fire Service and Police reports of serious injuries and fatalities.
•The National Crisis Management Centre is anticipating a need for temporary accommodation due to the extensive building damage.

Urban Search and Rescue
Task Force 2 (Christchurch) is understood to be inoperable. However, Task Force 1 (Palmerston North) and Task Force 3 (Auckland) are being mobilised. USAR support from Australia is being mobilised, while support from the United States in on standby.

Hospitals and Medical Centres
Christchurch hospital is operational (contrary to some media reports) and one ward has been evacuated. The hospital has 40+ casualties (as at 1415 hours) but they expect this to rise. The District Health Boards are communicating to coordinate support requirements.

Wellington Hospital is on stand-by to receive patients if required.

Airport status
Christchurch International Airport is open for emergency flights only. The runway is being assessed. Other South Island airports are open. Air New Zealand will not be flying until at least 1900 hours today.

Port status
Damage reported but extent unconfirmed.

Lifeline utilities
Electricity: The Transpower main transmission grid reports no major issues. Orion is reporting significant local distribution network outages.

Telecomms: Vodafone and Telecom are advising customers to limit their calls or to use text only.

Water: There are reports of broken water pipes and associated flooding.

Waste water (sewerage): There are reports of broken water pipes and associated flooding.

People in the affected area should:
•Expect aftershocks. Each time one is felt, drop, cover, and hold on.
•Check yourself first for injuries and get first aid if necessary before helping injured or trapped persons.
•Assess your home or workplace for damage. If the building appears unsafe get everyone out. Use the stairs, not an elevator and when outside, watch out for fallen power lines or broken gas lines. Stay out of damaged areas.
•Look for and extinguish small fires if it is safe to do so. Fire is a significant hazard following earthquakes.
•Listen to the radio for updated emergency information and instructions.
•Do not overload phone lines with non-emergency calls.
•Help people who require special assistance - infants, elderly people, those without transportation, families who may need additional help, people with disabilities, and the people who care for them.
Detailed safety advice will come from local authorities and emergency services in the area. People should act on it promptly. MCDEM, local civil defence authorities and scientific advisors are closely monitoring the situation.

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