Cash donations best way to help Cantabrians

Cash donations best way to help Cantabrians

0 개 1,877 NZ코리아포스트
The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management is stressing that cash donations are the best way to support people affected by the Canterbury earthquake.

The Ministry is repeating the message given by Minister of Civil Defence John Carter yesterday: donations of money are the quickest and easiest way to help organisations on the ground get exactly what they need.

"That way, affected people can make their own choices about putting their lives back together. What’s more, money spent locally helps the local economy at a crucial time," Mr Carter says.

"If you have goods to offer, rather than cash, it will be some time before the logistics to handle this will be available.

"Staff need to focus solely to saving lives and protecting the public at this stage. Down the track, if there’s a need for specific goods to be donated, we will make a public call," he says.

Businesses wanting to offer expertise, and people wanting to volunteer, are asked to please wait and not send staff and resources, or go to Christchurch themselves. When local authorities have a clear idea of what is needed and are in a position to manage goods and volunteers they will advise publicly what is needed and where.

Donations can be made through any of the below channels:

•Mayoral relief fund at any BNZ branch: Account number 02-0800-084958-000
•Red Cross - visit:
•Salvation Army: 0800 53 00 00 (Specify that your donation is for the ‘Canterbury Earthquake Appeal’)
•Any ANZ Bank branch: Account number 01-1839-0188939-00
•Any National Bank branch: Account number 06-0869-0548507-00
•Any Westpac Bank branch: Account number 03-0207-0617331-00
•Any ASB Bank branch: Account number 12-3205-0146808-00
•Any BNZ Bank branch: Account number 02-0500-0982004-000
•Any Kiwibank branch: Account number: 38-9009-0759479-00

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