Get ready to build it right from 1 March

Get ready to build it right from 1 March

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Auckland Council is encouraging homeowners and members of the building industry to ensure they are up to speed with the Government’s new residential building rules coming into force next week.
From 1 March when the new Restricted Building Work (RBW) rules come into effect, most residential building or renovation work will have to be designed, undertaken or supervised by a Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP).
Designed to improve the quality of building in New Zealand, the Government’s ‘build it right’ changes apply to work affecting the structural integrity or weathertightness of residential buildings, including introducing new responsibilities for both the building industry and homeowners.
Auckland Council Building Control Manager Ian McCormick says people need to ensure they understand the new rules in preparation for submitting building consent applications.
“With the new requirements going into effect on 1 March, now is the time for people to get up to speed with the new rules in order to ensure building consent applications lodged after that date can be processed smoothly.”  
Mr McCormick says the council welcomes the changes being introduced by the Government.
“They will help give homeowners more confidence their crucial building work is being carried out to a good standard, with increased accountability and ongoing professional development of the building industry. The new rules also officially recognise the qualifications, skills and knowledge of Licensed Building Practitioners,” he says.
If a homeowner’s building consent application is lodged with the council before 1 March, the new rules do not apply. 
For detailed information on the new RBW and LBP rules call 0800 242 243 or visit

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