Helping Auckland homes go solar

Helping Auckland homes go solar

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From today Auckland residents will be able to take part in a renewable energy scheme that will help them save on power bills.
In an effort to create a more sustainable, resilient and liveable city, Mayor Len Brown has launched the Auckland Solar Project today at the home of Point Chevalier couple Ruth MacClure and Tony Morpeth.
“The project aims to install more than 250 solar hot water heating systems in homes and businesses across Auckland this year,” says Len Brown.
Alongside the environmental benefits, the system can save the average household $500 on their annual power bill.”
Ruth MacClure and Tony Morpeth had solar heating panels installed in their home last August as a case study for the project and say the system has taken between 20 and 30 per cent off their power bill.
Auckland Council has streamlined the consenting process and employed a leading solar energy expert to provide specifications for best-practice technology suited to Auckland’s environmental conditions.
There is significant quality variation in solar water heating technology. This scheme aligns best practice technology with a range of financial options that make installation affordable while still saving money on the monthly bill.
The pilot scheme was endorsed earlier this year by the council’s Environment and Sustainability Forum, and will be managed by Auckland-based company, Solar Group.
“Solar Group offered a solution to the entire project so we could sit back while it was being installed and then watch the savings kick in,” says Mr Morpeth.
The scheme is designed to make things easy for home and business owners, with Solar Group taking care of everything from installation to the consent application.
Visit for more information.

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