오클랜드 지역 이민자를 위한 무료 세미나

오클랜드 지역 이민자를 위한 무료 세미나

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Auckland Regional Migrant Services (ARMS-http://www.arms-mrc.org.nz)에서는 오클랜드 지역의 이민자들을 위한 다양한 프로그램을 기획하여 운영하고 있습니다.
6월 중, Manukau 지역에서는  IT, 구직, 영어,세금, IRD 관련 무료 세미나가 준비되어 있으니 아래 내용을 참고하여 관심있는 분들은 참가해보시기 바랍니다.
ARMS의 과정은 영어로 진행됩니다.
Free IT specialists Employment Workshop (this coming Thursday)
This workshop is designed for IT specialists who had work experiences overseas or those who had been trained in IT fields. The seminar will provide information about: Training courses, English in IT Workplace, an introduction to an Employment Agency and great CV tips and advice from Career Services. Time: 9:30am- 1:30pm Thursday 6 Jun., 2013. Location: 2 Osterley Way, Manukau City. Please call ARMS Manukau Resource Centre at 09 2635490 or email: Manukau@arms-mrc.org.nz to register.
Free Job Search workshop for Migrants
Job Search workshops free to new migrants seeking professional employment in New Zealand. These interactive workshops cover New Zealand employment culture and labor market, kiwi job search skills, kiwi style CV and advice for job seekers.
Time: 9:30am to 2:30pm Thursday 13th. 27th, 2013 ,Location: ARMS Manukau Centre. Address: 2 Osterley Way, Manukau City. To register please call 09 263 5490 or email manukau@arms-mrc.org.nz
Free English Language Advice Clinics in Manukau
Auckland Regional Migrant Services help migrants find about their level of English, English classes or community resources. Date: 12, 26 Jun. ,2013 .To make an appointment to meet the English Advisor at ARMS Manukau Resource Centre, 2 Osterley Way, Manukau City (Next to Work & Income), Please phone 2635490 to make an appointment. You are welcome to bring a support person with you.
Free English Language Advice Clinics in Highland Park
Auckland Regional Migrant Services help migrants find about their level of English, English classes or community resources. Date: 19 Jun., 2013. To make an appointment to meet with an English Advisor at Community Link Highland Park, 491 Pakuranga Road (Next to Events Cinema Highland Park). You are welcome to bring a support person with you. Please phone 2635490 to make an appointment.
Free Taxation Clinics
Are you new to New Zealand? Do you have problems with Tax issues? Do you have your own BUSINESS? This clinic will give you the opportunity to meet with specialist from IRD individually for consultation on Income Tax, GST, PAYE and Kiwi Saver. Date: 13, 27 Jun.,2013.  To make an appointment to see our friendly taxation specialist for help, please phone: 09 2635490. Address: ARMS Manukau Resource Centre, 2 Osterley Way (Next to Work & Income).
Free IRD Rental Property Income Tax Seminar
This seminar is for people who already have, or are planning to purchase a residential rental property.
Do you need to understand Rental Property Income Tax? How to calculate net profit from rental, what expenses to claim for, GST and rental income.  How do you treat boarders/flatmates? Are profits from property sales taxable? Learn all about it.
Address: ARMS Manukau Resource Centre, 2 Osterley Way (Next to Work & Income), Time: 9:30am -1:30pm @ 26 Jun.,2013 Contact Phone: 09 2635490 or email manukau@arms-mrc.org.nz
Meeting with Information Officers
Advice and information in Chinese, Korean, Arabic and Samoan is now available at Auckland Regional Migrant Services Manukau Centre. Information available: Job search, Benefits, English class information and help, Settlement information including Taxation, schooling, housing and etc. If you’d like to come and talk with a Information Officer, please contact Auckland Regional Migrant Services Manukau Office @ 09 2635490  email manukau@arms-mrc.org.nz

◎ By 노 영례 Young-Rie RHO (imnews32@hanmail.net)

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