노스쇼어지역 무료 세미나, 워크샵과 아름다운 뉴질랜드 지키기 활동에 대한 정보

노스쇼어지역 무료 세미나, 워크샵과 아름다운 뉴질랜드 지키기 활동에 대한 정보

0 개 1,245 노영례


뉴질랜드에서 생활하면서 다양한 정보를 접하는 것은 현명한 생활 방식 중의 하나일 있습니다. 오클랜드의 노스쇼어 지역에서 6월에 찾아볼 있는 무료 seminars / activities / events 대한 정보를 레번하우스에서 이메일을 통해 한인 커뮤니티나 언론 매체에 배포하고 있습니다.

주로 무료 세미나나 워크샵에 대한 정보 등이 많은데요. 625 화요일 오전에 있는 건강 세미나, 6 12 수요일의 글로벌 문화 나누기와 친구사귀는 시간, 619 수요일의 새로운 이민자를 위한 구직 세미나 등에 대한 내용입니다. 또한, 622일부터 722일까지 마오리 새해 축제에 대한 다양한 정보는 관련 웹사이트 http://www.matarikifestival.org.nz/ 에서 확인해볼 있습니다.

아름다운 뉴질랜드 지키기를 위한 해변 청소 등 활동이 6 8 토요일 오전930분부터 오후 12시까지 타카푸나 비치(The car park at the end of The Promenade)에서 있다고 알려왔습니다.
다른 날짜에는 6 12 수요일 1230분부터 Freyberg Park, Browns Bay에서 있으며 6 17 월요일 오전930분부터 1230분까지는 Narrowneck Beach에서 참여할 있다고 합니다. 관련한 문의는 전화 0800 567 686 또는email , bgough@conservationvolunteers.co.nz 하시면 됩니다. 한인들만 모이는 곳은 나름의 문화적인 공감대 형성 등으로 편한 자리가 되지만, 현지인들과 함께 하는 자원봉사 등의 활동에 참여하는 것도 의미 있습니다.

올려드리는 정보를 참고하여 작은 마음을 나누는 실천을 하며 보다 알찬 삶을 꾸려가기를 기대합니다.

아래는 레번하우스에서 배포한  정보이니 참여하실 분들은 참고하십시오.
1.      Free Information Seminars/ Workshops for Newcomers
1.1   Staying Healthy in NZ   on Tues, 25th Jun`13 .  Hosted by SSNZ North Shore. 
       Time : 9:30am – 12:00noon. (see attached flier)
         -  Find out about how the NZ Healthy System works, how to access health service and what to do during an Emergency.
         - What is ACC and how does it work for you and your family?
       To register, Phone : (09) 486 8635 or Email : ssnznorthshore@raeburnhouse.org.nz 
1.2  Global Food and Friends on Wed, 12 Jun`13.  Hosted by SSNZ North Shore
       Time : 10:00am – 12:00noon (see attached flier)
       Learn about Kiwi culture , meet others, make new friends and have fun.  On this day, the Friendship group will be learning about popular NZ Wine and how to pick a good wine
       No need to book. For enquiries, Phone : (09) 486 8635 or email : ssnznorthshore@raeburnhouse.org.nz
1.3   Employment Rights in NZ  on Tues, 2nd July`13 . Hosted by SSNZ North Shore
        Time : 9:30am – 12:00 noon (see attached flier)
        - What are your rights as an employee in NZ?
        - Types of Employment agreement
        - What do you do if you have a problem at work? 
       To register, Phone : (09) 486 8635 or Email : ssnznorthshore@raeburnhouse.org.nz
             1.4 Job Search Workshop for Newcomers on Wed, 19th Jun`13 . Hosted by Auckland Regional Migrant Services (see attached flier)
                  Learn about NZ business culture and employment environment
-          How to write a Kiwi style CV and Cover Letter
-          Tips on handling job interviews
       To register, email :  reception@arms-mrc.org.nz  or Phone : (09) 625 2440
1.5   Start Right in NZ  on Fri, 5th July`13  Hosted  by Migrant Action Trust
         It’s a Must Know (Before Job Search)  seminar.
         Venue : Glenfield Community Board Room (next to Glenfield Library). Time : 12:30 pm registration for 1:00pm Start.
         Please register your interest to attend by emailing
                                                sharlene.migrantaction@xtra.co.nz or Phone : (09) 629 3500
2.     Matariki Festival (Maori New Year) 2013 
Heard of the Matariki Star cluster and Aoteaora (New Zealand) ’s  very own New Year  ?
Auckland celebrates Matariki  every year from 22 June  till 22 July`13 with a series of concerts, family events, traditional celebrations and activities.   Join in the celebration of Maori tradition and heritage around Auckland.  For more information, 
Visit : http://www.matarikifestival.org.nz/
3.     Health Information Updates – register for free e-updates from Health Link North
Did you know that Waitemata has one of the lowest smoking rates  and the second lowest rate of obesity in NZ? 
-          91% of Adults reported excellent, very good or good health.
Waitemata district population (based on data) is found to be among the healthiest and the longest living in NZ , with an average life expectancy of 84 years.
Interested  in keeping abreast with  “Health matters and developments”  around the district (Waitemata)? Join to become a member of Health Link North Inc.  Membership is Free. (see attached flier)
4.      Keep New Zealand Beautiful – Litter Pick Ups
You may have read about residents coming together to clean up our beaches in the local papers. Here’s a chance to do your Bit in helping Keep NZ Beautiful. 
A series of Litter Pick-ups across NZ  aims to promote awareness of environmental impacts of rubbish and how we can minimise these impacts through recycling. Gain a better understanding on what  rubbish is deposited in the environment and how we can induce change to eliminate waste by passing our findings and recommendations to local government.
Local Litter Pick-ups in the North Shore area will be running on,
When:                        Saturday 8th of June 9:30am to 12:00pm
Where:                      The car park at the end of The Promenade, Takapuna Beach
What to bring:            Long sleeve shirt, long sleeve pants, sturdy shoes, water bottle, raincoat
Note:                         Gloves and  bags to collect the rubbish will be provided
                                              (Psst … Yes, I’ll be there at Takapuna Beach on Sat, 8th Jun`13 at 9:30am. I hope to see you there, joining in the Fun!)
            Other dates include,
Wednesday, 12th June 9:30am to 12:30pm, Freyberg Park, Browns Bay
Monday, 17th June 9:30am to 12:30pm, Narrowneck Beach
If you want to get involved, phone Bridie on Ph : 0800 567 686 or email , bgough@conservationvolunteers.co.nz
             That’s all for now.  As always,  we welcome your support in sharing this email across your network.  Thank you.
Kind regards,
Cheng Goh
Settlement Support Coordinator
Settlement Support New Zealand (SSNZ) North Shore
A service of Raeburn House
Level 1, Norman King Building, (opposite Northcote Library),
Norman King Square, Ernie Mays Street, Northcote, North Shore 0627
T: (09) 480 9625 / 486 8635 E: ssnznorthshore@raeburnhouse.org.nz

W: www.raeburnhouse.org.nz

◎ By 노 영례 Young-Rie RHO (imnews32@hanmail.net)

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