13일 무리와이 비치 4명 사망 현장 목격자의 생생한 증언

13일 무리와이 비치 4명 사망 현장 목격자의 생생한 증언

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지난 13일, 해안을 달리던 4WD 차량이 전복되어 타고 있던 4명 모두 사망한 현장에서 구급대원이나 경찰이 도착하기 전에 비극적인 사건을 목격하고 사람들을 구하려고 노력한 시민들의 드마마틱하고 생생한 증언이 9월 15일자 NZ해럴드지에 "Family were 'relying' on crash victim" 라는 타이틀로 실렸다.

갑작스런 사고 소식에 그 가족이 믿기워하지 않는 것과 희생자들의 신원, 간단한 가족관계 소개 등이 기술되어 있다. 사망자들은 인생에 있어 많은 계획을 가지고 있었지만, 지금은 아무 것도 할 수 없다는 슬픈 문구도 있다. 

이 기사에 따르면 이름을 밝히기 원치 않는 한 여성이 파트너와 함께 해변을 운전해 달리다가 사고 현장을 목격하고는 사고 직후 구르는 차에서 튕겨져 나간 사람들을 구하려고 한 내용이다.  처음에는 목숨을 구하기 위해 노력했지만, 나중에는 밀려오는 바닷물로부터 시신을 해안가로 옮기는 것에 최선을 다했다.

세 명의 사람은 현장에서 즉사했지만, 나머지 한 명은 사고 후 조금 지나 숨진 것으로 표현되어 있다. 이 여성과 그 파트너, 그리고 사건 현장에 모여든 시민들이 두 명의 시신을 해안가로 옮기고 세번째 사람을 옮기려 팔을 잡았더니 몸에서 그냥 떨어져나와서 쇼크를 받아 그 자리서 꼼짝할 수 없었다는 것과 결국 그녀의 파트너가 세번째 희생자를 안아서 물이 없는 해안가로 옮겼다는 내용 등이 포함되어 있다. 희생자들 중 한 명의 포켓에서 전화기가 울렸지만, 그 전화기를 받아서 말을 할 수가 없어 사망자의 몸 위에 올려주었다는 내용도 있다. 

 또다른 목격자는 사고 직후 세 명은 차에서 100미터 넘는 거리로 튕겨져 나갔다고 증언하고 있다.

 네번째 희생자는 사고 차량에서 20미터 정도 거리에서 차 문짝에 끼여져 있었는데 그는 고통에 비명을 지를 수도 울 수도 없었으며 그를 도우려고 한 여성은 아무 것도 할 수 없어 단지 그의 머리를 밀려오는 바다에 잠기지 않게 하는 것과 쟈켓을 벗어 그를 따뜻하게 해주는 것 밖에 할 수 없었다고 말했다.

사고 현장에는 약 12명의 사람들이 모여 희생자들을 구하려고 했다. 

사고를 목격한 다른 한 남성은 사고 차량이 시속 90-95km 의 속도로 바다 가까이서 달리다가 차가 여러번 구르면서 사고가 발생했다고 했다. 그는 이번 사고가 해변을 달리는 차량이 과속을 해서 생긴 거라고 증언했다.

파트너와 함께 사고 현장에서 있었던 그 여성은 일요일 밤새 자다 깨다 반복했고 다음달 출근을 했지만 희생자들을 옮기는 과정에서 직접 겪은 충격적인 경험의 후유증으로 일찍 퇴근했다고 했다. 

한글로 된 상기 내용은 기사를 대략적으로 간추린 것이다.

상단의 영상은 영어 튜터인 리차드 할아버지가 기사를 읽으면서 중간중간 중요한 부분만 설명한 내용이다. 이 기사를 읽으며 그 뒷배경이나 지극히 개인적인 소견을 밝힌 것이 포함되어 있으니 영상을 보실 때는 이 점 참고하시기 바란다. 

기사의 원문은 아래에 옮긴다.

Family were 'relying' on crash victim

Scott Yeoman Tuesday, 15 September 2015 

Woman among first on scene of Muriwai crash tells of dramatic bid to save men. 

One of the four men killed in a car crash on Muriwai Beach was the sole provider for his family, friends say.

Imad Dib, 31, Dilpreet Singh, 32, Syed Haris Jafri, 29, and Pulkit Malhotra, 27, all died when the 4WD they were in rolled on the West Auckland beach just before 5pm on Sunday.

The three older men had been working at Queens Academic Group in Auckland since last year. Mr Malhotra had arrived from India recently.

Mr Jafri, a business and accounting lecturer at the school, was the sole bread-winner for his family after his father died three years ago, according to fellow lecturer Mona Manon.

Mrs Manon told Radio New Zealand that his family were relying on him.

"They have lots of dreams all depending one person, and lots of interactions with each other and it's all gone. And no one can do anything, so it's very sad."

Divya Bhardwaj told Radio New Zealand he was close friends Mr Jafri.

"He was a really nice person, we're really sad, you know, we lost one of good friends as well.

"He was living with his sister over here, some of the lecturers went to his place as well and it's really hard for the family to accept the truth that he's no longer with us.

"I just pray to God that his soul rests in peace, that's all."

One of the first people to reach the scene of the crash spoke to the Herald last night about the frantic effort to recover three of the men from the incoming tide and revive the fourth.

The woman, who did not want her name published, was driving with her partner when they chanced upon the mangled Mitsubishi Pajero.

Another driver waved them down and, as they stopped, they saw the horrific aftermath of the crash. Three bodies were in the surf, spread out from each other and about 100m to the right of the car.

"[The other driver] yelled at me to check pulses and I didn't know what he was talking about until I looked in the water and there were three bodies - literally one after the other," the woman said.

The fourth man was lying about 20m from the car, trapped in debris.

"The door frame was still attached to the car. It was like the window - the black thing around your window frame - had come off and he was weaved in between that."

The woman said she checked the bodies lying in the waves. "All three had no pulse whatsoever."

She waved down more people to help her and her partner to move the bodies on to the beach.

"We pulled in the first person and the second person, and I got to the third person and I went to pick his arm up and it was completely pulled away from his body," she said.

She went into shock and was unable to move. Her partner came over, picked the man up in his arms and moved him to the beach.

A group of about 12 people gathered and were trying to help the survivor, who was in a bad way.

They collected pieces of wreckage and built them around the survivor to protect him from the waves.

"Then we got some other guys ... to grab spades out of our car and start building a trench so the water could go down into the trench and not get the guy, because he was just taking mouthfuls of water after water," the woman said.

The man was still breathing, but was stuck in the door frame and had bits of the car all around him, wedged in between his arm.

"He wasn't making a sound - he wasn't crying or moaning or anything. He was just lying there, so I just held his hand and I just held his head up out of the water and put a jacket over him, trying to keep him warm.

"But because the tide was still coming in, I didn't really want to move him because I didn't know what his injuries were ... so I just was talking to him and talking to him, which felt like forever."

When the Westpac rescue helicopter landed, the medics picked the man up and moved him to the beach.

"They put oxygen in his stomach, trying to breathe for him, and then ... minutes later they put a sheet over his head and said a time and I kind of knew straight then and there that the fourth person was also gone."

After the bodies were recovered the woman collected personal documents and other items from the bodies and crash site to hand over to police to help identify the victims.

"One of the deceased members - who had passed away originally - his phone was actually ringing. So I went in his pocket and got his phone out."

She put the phone on his stomach so the police could see who it belonged to.

"I was not going to answer that phone call, that's for sure."

She gave police a brief statement. She overheard a man who saw the crash describe what happened.

"He said it was about 90-95km per hour. But because he was going quite close to the water, there would have been soft spots," she said.

"There were no logs, there was nothing there for them to go over or to miss ... at the end of the day, it would've just been speed."

The woman said the crash had affected her deeply.

"That was the hardest thing ever. From a person that's never seen a dead body in my life to picking one up and dealing with all this - it was completely new to me," she said.

The woman said she struggled to sleep on Sunday night and woke up sweating and shaking. She tried to go to work yesterday, but left early.

"The thought of the arm, that's what got me because there was blood everywhere. I had blood all over my shoes, my clothes ... he was unrecognisable. It was just absolutely tragic."

The cause of the crash is being investigated.

"The fact that the occupants have all been ejected from the vehicle would suggest that they may not have been wearing seatbelts, but this will be confirmed once the car has been examined," Inspector Trevor Beggs said.

Permit system trial began this month

Auckland Council this month began a 12-month trial of a permit system allowing vehicles to access Muriwai and Karioitahi beaches.

More than 700 permits have been issued already, a council spokeswoman said.

Under Auckland Council's Public Safety and Nuisance Bylaw, vehicles are not allowed on beaches without the written permission of council.

Read our previous article: Muriwai beach crash victims named

The council does not actively monitor the beach but will respond to complaints from members of the public if they are concerned people are using a vehicle on the beach in a manner that is not appropriate.

The council has not prosecuted anyone for breaching this aspect of the bylaw, but the courts can issue a fine of up to $20,000.

Rodney Ward councillor Penny Webster said people needed to be aware driving on the beach was different from driving on the road: "We do encourage people [to] ... read the ... safety advice." 

- additional reporting Belinda Feek

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이륙 도중 2차례나 멈춘 국제선 항공기

댓글 0 | 조회 1,307 | 2015.09.20
이륙하려던 국제선 항공기가 하루에 두 차례나 기체 이상으로 이륙을 중단하는 사건이 벌어졌다. 9월 19일(토) 오후 1시 30분에 오클랜드를 떠나 홍콩으로 향할 … 더보기

국기 변경 어려울 듯, 반대 여론이 찬성 압도

댓글 0 | 조회 1,331 | 2015.09.20
뉴질랜드의 국기 변경에 반대하는 국민이 많다는 사실이 다시 한번 확인된 여론조사 결과가 나왔다. ‘3 News Reid Research’ 여론조사에 따르면 단지 … 더보기

여성 사육사, 호랑이에게 공격 당해 숨져

댓글 0 | 조회 1,532 | 2015.09.20
해밀톤 동물원(Hamilton Zoo)에서 여성 사육사가 수컷 호랑이에게 물려 숨지는 사고가 났다. 사고 발생은 9월 20일(일) 오전 11시에 비상센터에 신고됐… 더보기

바늘방석에 씨앗 숨겨 반입하려던 남성

댓글 0 | 조회 1,255 | 2015.09.20
몇 차례에 걸쳐 처리되지 않은 곡물 씨앗을 몰래 반입한 노스 캔터베리 출신의 한 남성에게 법정에서 사회봉사명령이 선고됐다. 종자 재배가 직업이기도 한 이 남성은 … 더보기