More homes coming on board for Christchurch social housing tenants

More homes coming on board for Christchurch social housing tenants

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Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett is impressed with Housing New Zealand’s progress in building, redeveloping and repairing properties in Christchurch following a visit to the city today.   

Before 2011, Housing New Zealand (HNZ) had more than 6,000 properties in Christchurch, and 95 per cent of these were damaged in the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes.

“The scale of destruction resulted in large losses of homes in the region, skyrocketing demand and many families left in desperate situations,” says Mrs Bennett.

“The enormity and complexity of the work required has been unprecedented, however HNZ has more than risen to the challenge.”

“As I announced last month HNZ are now ahead of schedule in its work to repair 5,000 earthquake damaged homes by the end of 2015. The target of building 700 new homes by the end of next year is also progressing well.”

Two separate sites in Addington are a good example of HNZ’s plan to build warm, dry and modern houses on land previously taken up by one or two large and out-dated homes unsuited to what people need. 

A site which previously had one earthquake damaged home now has six two-bedroom units that are all tenanted, and nearby another site which previously had three houses on it will soon hold 10 two-bedroom units and is due to be completed next month.

Another site in Riccarton, where three homes stood before, is undergoing the development of 19 two-bedroom units. These will be completed in April next year and will see dozens more people housed in accommodation that is right for them.

There are 572 people on the social housing register in Christchurch, and 73 per cent of them require a one or two bedroom home.

“HNZ is working quickly to respond to this demand, and the rate of progress I’ve seen is commendable, particularly in developing stock that meets the needs of today’s families.”

“While there can be no such thing as a return to normal for the people of Canterbury, I have confidence that social housing tenants in the city are being well served by HNZ and its efforts to provide the best possible housing for them.”


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