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05/03/2013. 17:18 KoreaPost (210.♡.28.40)
As of four o’clock this afternoon, around 35,000 New Zealanders have pre-registered their interest in applying for shares in Mighty River Power, State Owned Enterprises Minister Tony Ryall says.
“The response to the launch of the pre-registration website in Auckland this morning has been huge with at times, around five registrations per second,” Mr Ryall says.
The website: www.mightyrivershares.govt.nz, was set up to provide information to New Zealanders keen to register their interest in the share offer.
“This interest resulted in huge volumes of traffic on the website in the first few hours,” Mr Ryall says. “Some people may have had difficulty accessing the site, and others will have noticed it was slow in processing their requests for information.
“There is plenty of time before pre-registration ends on 22 March – and there is no advantage in pre-registering earlier.”
New Zealanders who pre-register will receive an offer document sent to them as soon as it’s ready, and may be allocated up to 25% more shares than people who do not pre-register, if demand for shares exceeds shares available.