Modern, multipurpose structure for Queens Wharf announced

Modern, multipurpose structure for Queens Wharf announced

0 개 1,271 NZ코리아포스트
A modern, multipurpose structure will be built on Queens Wharf in time for the Rugby World Cup, Auckland Regional Council Chairman Mike Lee said today.

“The temporary structure will be part of the official Rugby World Cup ‘fan zone’. It will be the place for people to meet, watch the games and get up to date visitor information. It will house a media lounge along with other entertainment facilities.

“It will also service two cruise ships of rugby supporters berthed alongside Queens Wharf.
“The structure – though temporary – will be made of durable material: steel and glass, covered by architectural grade PVC similar to that used in stadiums around the world and in the Eden Park upgrade.

“The structure will be able to be dismantled and re-sited for use elsewhere, once it has served its purpose on Queens Wharf.”

The ARC and Government have agreed that the Government pays for the temporary structure while the ARC pays for the upgrade of the wharf.

“Part of that upgrade sees the surface of the wharf tidied up and resealed where necessary,” said Mr Lee.

“This is so the wharf can be better used for events, and as a space for the public to enjoy the harbour and relax with family and friends.

“The wharf upgrade will also pave the way for building the permanent, international cruise ship terminal. The upgrade will be in keeping with Queens Wharf as a working wharf – with more than a hundred years of maritime history – and as an extension of Queen Street.”

Mr Lee said the ARC and Government would consult with the Historic Places Trust over the two wharf sheds.

“We want to ensure the public can appreciate the role the wharf played in Auckland’s past.
“The sheds are just one aspect of the wharf’s history. Other historic features include the bollards, rail tracks, fendering and of course, the red fence.

“The middle section at the northern end of the wharf is effectively the oldest unmodified part of Queen Street.

“We want to respect the wharf’s history, while ensuring we meet the requirements of the thriving cruise ship industry.

“The options here are many. We will be consulting with the Historic Places Trust before any final decisions are put into effect.” (PTO)

Mr Lee said he felt the ARC and Government – the wharf’s owners – had come up with the most cost effective short-term solution available.

“We have come up with something innovative and flexible that meets all short term objectives and offers value for money.

“We are sure our solution will do the city proud. It is however a matter of regret that Auckland politics and a failure of leadership got us into the space of looking at a temporary structure, instead of a permanent, multipurpose facility that included the cruise ship terminal Auckland so desperately needs.”

Queens Wharf will be opened officially to the public at a festival starting at 1pm on Sunday 25 April (Anzac Day).

Facts on the temporary structure:
Length 160m
Width 30m
Height at highest point 12m
Total crowd space 6000m2, including open canopies
5000m2 internal space, including 500m2 mezzanine
ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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