Huo humbled by Youth MP response

Huo humbled by Youth MP response

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New Zealand’s political future is bright if the next generation of aspiring leaders is anything to go by, says Labour Associate Ethnic Affairs Spokesperson Raymond Huo.

Auckland-based Mr Huo said “I have been flooded with applications from young Kiwis to be my Youth MP. Applicants have come from as far away as Lower Hutt and across a range of different ethnic communities including Kiwis of Chinese, Indian, Korean, Pacific Island, Maori and Pakeha heritage,” said Raymond Huo.

Raymond Huo said he was impressed by the quality of applicants and their passion and knowledge of New Zealand politics.

“One applicant from Auckland Grammar School told me that Labour was a party of change, a party that fights for workers’ rights and equal opportunities for all,
“Another applicant from Macleans College also told me of her disappointment in the National Government for its proposed GST increases, its failure in Copenhagen and its concept of National Standards,

“As a migrant myself, I was touched by the number of applicants who were also from migrant families,
“I was very pleased to see they have all excelled in various areas, from school through to sport, arts or community projects. They have all contributed strongly to New Zealand society.”

The selection process coincides with the release of a UMR Research and Massey University report on the experience of immigrants in New Zealand.

The report states that many migrants from the Chinese community do not feel welcome and have struggled to integrate into New Zealand society:
“Some of the applicants who come from migrant families are guiding lights as to how to assimilate, succeed and become part of the fabric of New Zealand society,
“I was particularly inspired by one applicant from Pakuranga College who arrived in New Zealand in 2002 not being able to speak a word of English. She is now a top-student and has won awards for debating as well as being a senior leader at her school’
“This is the kind example other migrants need to follow to become true New Zealanders,” said Raymond Huo.

Youth Parliament is held every Parliamentary term and gives young New Zealanders the opportunity to experience life in the shoes of an MP. Youth Parliament will be held from 6-7 July this year.

The second round of Shortlisted Applicants for Raymond Huo’s Youth MP position:
Nilu Kulasingham – Auckland Grammar School
Meaghen Li – Macleans College
Alan Dong – Auckland Grammar School
Phoebe Jin – Epsom Girls Grammar School
Philip Zhang – Auckland International College
Alice Markie – Birkenhead College
Vanessa Bowden – Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt
Donna Chan – Glenfield College
Ceecee Zhang – Pakuranga College
Simone Te Hore – Edgewater College

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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