Customs Seizes Over One Tonne of "P" Precursor in 2009

Customs Seizes Over One Tonne of "P" Precursor in 2009

0 개 1,544 코리아포스트
New Zealand Customs has, for the first time, intercepted over one tonne of methamphetamine precursor ContacNT (pseudoephedrine) in a single calendar year. The one tonne mark was passed in November.

The Minister of Customs, Maurice Williamson, said it was a milestone that highlighted Customs’ good work at the border but at the same time underlined the determination of the criminal drug smugglers.

"2008 was already a record year for intercepting precursors and the provisional figures now show that 2009 surpassed 2008 by over 66 percent," said the Minister.

"The amount Customs intercepted last year was enough to manufacture at least 246 kilograms of methamphetamine, or ‘P’, saving an estimated $138.6 million dollars of potential harm to the community.

“The number of interceptions being made at the border continues to rise and there is little doubt that all of the intercepted pseudoephedrine was going to be used to manufacture methamphetamine.

“P is destroying families and communities in all areas of New Zealand and the people who import it must be stopped.

“The Government's Methamphetamine Action Plan targets the organised crime syndicates who are behind these importations. They are in this for the money and have no thought for the impact these drugs have on our community as a whole” he said.

“Customs has carried out several significant operations during 2009 and these have been particularly successful, bringing in high amounts of illicit drugs.

"The success has been evident not just in the amounts being seized but in the evidence Customs and Police are seeing of variations in the price of P on the street in recent months” he said.

“This outstanding success is a testament to the vigilance, expertise and experience of our frontline Customs officers.

"The pressure will stay on and there will be more seizures and more arrests – that is a certainty."

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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