Hollywood blockbuster films in Auckland

Hollywood blockbuster films in Auckland

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Last week Mayor of Auckland city, Hon. John Banks met the crew of Yogi Bear, which is being produced by De Line Pictures for Warner Bros. It is the first 3D feature film to be shot in Auckland and its production involves hundreds of cast, extras and crew.

"We are honoured to have this movie filmed in Auckland and other parts of New Zealand," says Mr Banks.

"Not only is this film providing excellent economic benefits to Auckland, but it is offering fantastic opportunities for highly skilled local film industry workers and helping Auckland retain young, creative and educated talent."

He adds, "We look forward to attracting even more film productions to Auckland."

Auckland city filming locations for Yogi Bear have included Auckland Town Hall, Emily Place, Waterloo Quadrant, Anzac Avenue and Fort Street. Filming will last in the Auckland region for three months, with other filming taking place in Woodhill Forest and the Waikato.

Film-friendly Auckland
Auckland City Council is making it easier for filming to take place in the city. Working with the screen production industry, the council is developing a protocol to streamline the process for obtaining consents and permits.
Generating annual gross revenue of almost $880 million and employing around 3600 people, Auckland's screen production industry provides real economic benefits to the city.

"Auckland has the infrastructure, technology and skilled workers to make it an attractive place to film. By reducing compliance costs and responding more quickly to requests, we can help grow the city's film business further," says Councillor Aaron Bhatnagar, chairperson of the City Development Committee.

 Yogi Bear
Set for release in December, this film stars Yogi Bear (featuring the voice of Dan Aykroyd from Ghostbusters) and his friend Boo Boo (featuring the voice of musician Justin Timberlake).

After the conniving Mayor Brown decides to shut down Jellystone Park, Yogi must prove he really is "smarter than the average bear" as he and Boo Boo join forces with Ranger Smith to save the park from closing forever.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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