Expanded LSV course provides more opportunities

Expanded LSV course provides more opportunities

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Young people will have more chances to challenge and test themselves this year through an expanded Limited Service Volunteer (LSV) course says Social Development and Employment Minister Paula Bennett.

With the close off date for the first LSV course at Burnham Camp on 1 February nearing, Ms Bennett says the Government’s move last August to add an extra 1250 LSV placements for 2010 and 2011 gives more young people the opportunity to enjoy a potentially life changing experience.

‘’It’s not always easy as a young person to know what direction you are taking,” says Ms Bennett.

‘’Self confidence is sometimes lacking and the courage to take risks and open yourself to new opportunities is sometimes missing.

‘’I have seen first hand the light that switches on for young people while on LSV. They gain confidence, they learn about themselves and what they are capable of. They come out with a plan. Sometimes it’s not just an employment or study plan, but a life altering direction that they will take.’’

The six-week LSV courses are available to people aged 18 to 24 and are run by Defence Force personnel.

Associate Minister of Defence Heather Roy says the course is a mix of Youth Life Skills and military style training – excluding weapons training - focusing on traditional values of teamwork, self-discipline, individual responsibility, pride and confidence.

‘’The LSV scheme has been run at Burnham military camp since 1993 with up to 625 young people taking part in the training every year since its conception. Results have shown that of all those who complete the course 45% gain employment and a further 30% enter trade related training within three months of the course finishing.’’

Last August the Government created 1250 new places on an expanded LSV programme for 2010 and 2011 costing $19.1 million as part of the Youth Opportunities package, increasing the current 720 places per year to 1970 places.

Fourteen LSV courses will run throughout 2010 with six at Burnham, four at the Trentham Military Camp in Upper Hutt and four at the Hobsonville Military Camp in Auckland. People can apply for LSV through Work and Income. More information on the LSV programme is available from the nearest Work and Income office or the New Zealand Defence Force.

Contact For Minister Bennett: Martyn Watterson 029 231 6197

Contact For Minister Roy: Chas Te Runa 04 817 6640 or 021 936 957

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(http://www.koreapost.co.nz), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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