0 개 1,744 코리아포스트
The National Rural Fire Authority is urging New Zealanders not to use sky lanterns for private or public celebrations this summer saying in the wrong conditions they could easily cause fires.

The sky lanterns, also known as flying lanterns, work on the same principle as a hot air balloon and are powered by a tea- light candle which heats up the air inside the paper lantern. They can fly for several kilometres and reach heights of around 800 metres.

National Rural Fire Officer Murray Dudfield is concerned by their growing popularity for use at weddings, and other special occasions. He says they are simply not suitable for the New Zealand environment.

“Our variable winds and rolling to steep terrain mean that once these sky lanterns are launched they are at immediate risk of being blown into dry vegetation and other places where they could start a fire. These flying lanterns are designed for use in calm wind conditions in wide open spaces– which are a rarity here.”

There has been one known instance this year of a fire caused by a sky lantern setting fire to a pine plantation in Northland.

Mr Dudfield is particularly concerned that the lanterns may be sold in large numbers during Chinese New Year celebrations which start on 14 February.

“Many parts of the country are very dry now and it will be worse later in summer. Regions that are particularly dry are; Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, East Coast, Hawkes Bay and Central Otago. The drought conditions coupled with variable wind means there’s a high risk of fire from these burning candles and paper.”

Mr Dudfield says the National Rural Fire Authority has begun alerting suppliers to the dangers the lanterns pose. “Ideally we would like to see a ban on their sale and we have bought the matter to the attention of the Ministry of Commerce.”

In the meantime, in rural areas where there is a fire ban or a fire restriction in place people wanting to use sky lanterns would need to apply for a permit. It’s unlikely one would be granted, he said.

The Fire Service, which responds to fires in urban areas, says it too is concerned by the potential for sky lanterns to cause fires, although the risk is lower in built-up areas.

ⓒ 뉴질랜드 코리아포스트(, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지

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