뉴질랜드 TV 프로그램

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뉴질랜드 TV 프로그램

0 개 2,756 Hannah Han
TV Programmes  (뉴질랜드 TV 프로그램)

Sally: Hey did you watch “America’s next top model” last night. It was awesome!
          야 어제밤에“America’s next top model” 봤니? 정말 최고였는데

Brad: No way man, I hate reality TV.
           아니, 나는 그런 리얼리티 프로그램은 정말이지 질색이야.

Sally: Really? I love it. It’s so great; you get to look into people’s lives. I love “America’s next top model” and “the biggest loser”, oh and I’m definitely a fan of “Runway”’as there is always lots of drama and action.  

정말? 나는 정말 좋은데. 사람들의 실제 삶을 볼수 있잖아. 나는“America’s next top model”하고“the biggest loser”가 좋더라, 아! 그리고“Runway”의 진정한 팬이지.
항상 드라마틱한 장면들이 많거든

Brad: You know it’s not actually reality eh? A lot of its scripted and the producers manipulate what you see and what you don’t so that you only get to know someone, how they want you to see them.
알어. 그거 다 연출한거야. 대부분 대본을 가지고 하는거라구.
출연자를 그들(연출자들)이 의도해 놓은 이미지대로 생각하게되는거야.

Sally: Why did you have to go and burst my bubble like that Brad? Now reality TV will never be the same for me.
어쩜 넌 내 환상을 이렇게 깨버릴수 있니? 이제 예전같은 마음으로 리얼리티 프로그램을  못보겠다.

Brad: Well you know me, always a cynic. I’m really into my soaps, I have to admit that I’m addicted to “Home and Away” at the mo. It’s just so exciting; you never know what is going to happen.
알잖아. 내가 좀 잘 빈정되는거.
나는 정말 드라마가 좋아. 요즘에는“Home and Away”에 중독됐다니까. 정말 재밌어. 다음 내용을 예측할 수 없어.

Sally: Oh my Gosh! “Home and away” is so tired, I can’t believe you watch that silly show. If we are talking soaps then let’s talk “Shortland Street”. Now that has got some great storylines, and fantastic character development.
세상에,. “Home and away”는 완전히 뻔한 내용뿐인데? 그렇게 시시한 프로그램을 보다니. 드라마하면 역시“Shortland Street”지. 대본도 좋고 출연진 섭외도 잘 되어있고.

Brad: “Shortland Street” what a joke! It’s like the dumbest show on TV.It’s so boring and like New Zealanders really behave the way the characters on that show act.
“Shortland Street”가 뭐니 대체. 그거 최악의 프로그램이 잖아 . 따분할 뿐아니라 그거보면 마치 뉴질랜드 사람들이 거기나오는 사람들같다는 인상을 주잖아.

Sally: Whatever. I like to think that it’s quality. “Friends” is also a personal favorite of mine. I can watch the same old episodes over and over again and I never get bored with them.
아무튼. 나는 정말 괜찮은 프로그램이라고 생각해. “Friends”도 내가 개인적으로 좋아하는 프로그램이지. 오래된 똑같은 에피소드라도 계속 볼수 있어. 젤대 질리지 않거든.

Brad: Wow something we actually agree on. “Friends” is great, it’s so well written. I think that it’s one of those timeless shows. You know, like “The Simpsons”. The writers must be really good, because comedy can so easily be dated.
와. 드디어 맘이 좀 맞네. “Friends” 정말 재밌지. 극본도 좋고.  시간이 흘러도 변함없는 프로그램중 하나인거 같아. “The Simpsons”같은것도 그렇고.. 작가들이 정말 뛰어난 가봐. 원래 코메디는 유행을 잘 타는 편인데 말이야,

Sally: Yeah like watch some of those comedies from way back that the olds watch are so not funny, because the jokes are really out of date. It’s like they were written in the Stone Age.
왜 어른들 (부모님)이 보시는 그런 옛날 코메디는 한물 가서 하나도 안 웃기잖아. 정말 옛날것 같아.

Brad: I know what you mean. Anyway I’ve got to go, don’t want to miss “Home and Away”. See ya Sal
무슨말인지 알어.
아무튼 나 이제 가봐야겠다. “Home and Away” 봐야해.
나중에 보자 셀리!

Sally: See ya

************************새로운 표현*****************************.
Awesome: This word is often used in New Zealand; it is used to describe something that is really great.

Reality TV: Reality television is a genre of television programming, which presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people instead of professional actors.    

Fan: someone who has an intense liking of a sporting. club, person, group of persons, work of art, idea, or trend. Short for 'fanatic'

Drama: 'Drama' is used colloquially to refer to unnecessary emotional turmoil, such as that created through social events, gossip

Action: When a lot is going on all at once.

Burst my bubble: This refers to when your illusions are broken because someone informs you of something., or you learn something new.

Cynic: A cynic is a person that can be difficult to please. They have to be really impressed by something in order to appreciate it. Cynics often find it hard to see the good in a situation.

Soaps: Soap opera - A soap opera is an ongoing, episodic work of fiction, usually broadcast on television or radio.What differentiates a soap from other television drama programs is their open-ended nature. Plots run concurrently, intersect, and lead into further developments. An individual episode of a soap opera will generally switch between several different concurrent story threads that may at times interconnect and affect one another, or may run entirely independent of each other. Each episode may feature some of the show's current storylines but not always all of them. There is some rotation of both storylines and actors so any given storyline or actor will appear in some but usually not all of a week's worth of episodes. Soap operas rarely "wrap things up" storywise, and generally avoid bringing all the current storylines to a conclusion at the same time. When one storyline ends there are always several other story threads at differing stages of development. Soap opera episodes invariably end on some sort of cliffhanger.

At the mo: At the moment. At this time.

Tired: When  a TV show is tired it means that the show is repeating material as it has exhasted many of the avenues that it could go down.

Storylines: The narrative threads experienced by different but specific characters or sets of characters that together form a plot element or subplot in the work of fiction.

Character Development: The things that a character does and says show who they are. The writer chooses what information about the character to show so that the audience’s opinion of the character is influenced by this information.

What a joke: this means that the show is not done properly and people do not take it serously because it is so poorly done.

Dumbest show on TV: this is a form of Hyperbola, this is an exaggeration that this TV show is the silliest show on TV

Whatever: This is a common saying that means, whatever you say, I don’t have to agree with you though.

Quality: This means that something is done really well.

Personal Favourite: This means that something that you really appreciate and enjoy. If it is your favourite, it is the thing that you like best.

Timeless: This means that something does not lose its value as it gets older.

Dated: this is when something looses its value over time. When a TV show is dated the things that are refered to are no longer understood because it is a different time.

From way back: When something comes from a long time ago. Often it is very old.

The Olds: Parents

Out of date: No longer fashoinable or understood because it is too old.

Stone age: A hyperbole that means a really long time ago.

See ya: short for see you later, which is another way of saying good bye.

**이름 줄여서 부르기**
본문에서 Sally 의 이름이 Sal로 불여졌듯이 종종 친한 사람들끼리 이름을 줄여 부르기도 한다.
Samule à Sam,
Elizabeth-> Liz
Robert -> Bob
Joshua -> Josh
Melissa-> Mel
Timothy ->Tim
Mathew-> Matt

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St George 코스 문의- 09-379-8967~9 / korean@stgeorge.ac.nz  

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댓글 0 | 조회 3,874 | 2008.04.08
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[377] 터널 속으로

댓글 0 | 조회 3,741 | 2008.03.26
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