More than 200,000 paediatric doses and over 1.6 million boosters now given; 202 community cases; 14 in hospital; 1 in ICU

More than 200,000 paediatric doses and over 1.6 million boosters now g…

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There were 18,655 booster doses administered yesterday, taking the total to date to 1,605,815. Also, 1,502 paediatric doses were given yesterday, bringing the total to 200,562.

With Omicron in New Zealand, one of the best things you can do is get your booster as soon as it is due.

Boosters lower your chances of getting very sick and being hospitalised. Being boosted also helps slow the spread of the virus. If you’re over 18 and your booster is due, please get it now.

Likewise, a successful response to Omicron relies on us finding any infections as early as possible.

Anyone with any cold or flu symptoms that could be COVID-19 is asked to get a test and isolate at home until a negative result is returned.

The most common early symptoms of the Omicron variant are a sore or scratchy throat, and a runny nose. Even if you develop a small sniffle, please get a test.

 COVID-19 vaccine update 

  • People vaccinated to date (percentage of eligible people): 4,048,018 first doses (96%); 3,973,893 second doses (94%); 1,605,815 booster doses (57% of those due)
  • Vaccines administered yesterday: 264 first doses; 476 second doses; 1,502 paediatric doses; 18,655 booster doses. 
  • Māori (percentage of eligible people aged 12+): 514,565 first doses (90%); 489,372 second doses (86%).
  • Pacific Peoples (percentage of eligible people aged 12+): 278,268 first doses (97%); 270,817 second doses (94%). 
  • Paediatric vaccines administered to date (percentage of 5 to 11-year-olds): 200,562 first doses (42%) 
  • Māori (percentage of eligible people aged 5-11): 27,395 (first doses (24%) 
  • Pacific Peoples (percentage of eligible people aged 5-11): 15,969 first doses (32%) 

Vaccination rates for all DHBs (percentage of eligible people aged 12 +) 

  • Northland DHB: First doses (89.9%); second doses (87%) 
  • Auckland Metro DHBs: First doses (97%); second doses (96%) 
  • Waikato DHB: First doses (95%); second doses (93%) 
  • Bay of Plenty DHB: First doses (95%); second doses (92%) 
  • Lakes DHB: First doses (93%); second doses (91%) 
  • MidCentral DHB: First doses (96%); second doses (94%) 
  • Tairāwhiti DHB: First doses (93%); second doses (89.7%) 
  • Whanganui DHB: First doses (92%); second doses (89.7%) 
  • Hawke’s Bay: First doses (97%); second doses (94%) 
  • Taranaki DHB: First doses (95%); second doses (92%) 
  • Wairarapa DHB: First doses (96%); second doses (94%) 
  • Capital and Coast DHB: First doses (98%); second doses (97%) 
  • Hutt Valley DHB: First doses (97%); second doses (95%) 
  • Nelson Marlborough DHB: First doses (97%); second doses (95%) 
  • West Coast DHB: First doses (93%); second doses (91%) 
  • Canterbury DHB: First doses (99%); second doses (98%) 
  • South Canterbury DHB: First doses (95%); second doses (94%) 
  • Southern DHB: First doses (98%); second doses (96%) 


  • Cases in hospital: 14; North Shore: 4; Middlemore: 4; Auckland: 3; Rotorua: 2; Christchurch: 1
  • Average age of current hospitalisations: 60
  • Cases in ICU or HDU: 1 (Rotorua)
  • Vaccination status of current hospitalisations (Northern Region wards only excluding cases recorded in emergency departments): Unvaccinated or not eligible (1 case / 10%); partially immunised <7 days from second dose or have only received one dose (1 case / 10%); fully vaccinated at least 7 days before being reported as a case (8 cases / 80%), unknown (0 cases / 0%).


  • Seven day rolling average of community cases: 183
  • Seven day rolling average of border cases: 38
  • Number of new community cases: 202
  • Number of new cases identified at the border: 63
  • Location of new community cases: Northland (17), Auckland (119), Waikato (39), Lakes (4), Bay of Plenty (8), Taranaki (1), Hawke’s Bay (8), Hutt Valley (1), Capital & Coast (4), Nelson Marlborough (1)

  • Number of community cases (total): 13,468 (in current community outbreaks) 
  • Cases epidemiologically linked (total): 9,776
  • Number of active cases (total): 2,048 (cases identified in the past 21 days and not yet classified as recovered)
  • Confirmed cases (total): 17,876


  • Number of active contacts being managed (total): 4,996
  • Percentage who has received an outbound call from contact tracers (to confirm testing and isolation requirements): 75% 
  • Percentage who has returned at least one result: 67% 


  • Number of tests total (last 24 hours): 13,997
  • Tests rolling average (last 7 days): 18,679
  • Auckland tests total (last 24 hours): 6,732


  • No unusual detections to report. 

NZ COVID Tracer 

  • Poster scans in the 24 hours to midday yesterday: 1,648,509
  • Manual diary entries in the 24 hours to midday:  35,040 

My Vaccine Pass 

  • Total issued to date: 5,075,132
  • Total yesterday: 7,292


*An additional 11 cases have been reported on a vessel

Today’s cases  

We are reporting new community cases in Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Lakes, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay, Hutt Valley, Capital & Coast, and Nelson Marlborough.

Cases at schools

There have been a number of COVID-19 cases identified at schools recently. This is not unexpected following the start of the school year.

A range of public health measures have been established to help ensure our tamariki are well protected from COVID-19 at school.

Vaccination continues to be New Zealand’s best defence against COVID-19, and vaccination of those currently eligible will help to both protect children and further lower the risk of transmission in schools. All staff in schools are required to be vaccinated and the vaccination programme is well underway for 5 to 11-year-olds.

There are requirements for mask wearing such as for visitors, and for staff and students in year 4 and above, when at Red. Where not required, mask wearing is encouraged, especially in higher density indoor settings where there is an increased risk of transmission.

We also continue to encourage good hygiene practices and urge parents to keep children home from school and to be tested if they have any symptoms that could be COVID-19.


There are 17 new cases to report in Northland today. Investigations are ongoing to determine links.


There are 119 cases to report in Auckland today. 

There are 2,670 people isolating in the community, 1,099 of whom are cases.


There are 39 new cases to report in Waikato today. Twenty-nine of these cases have links to previously reported cases.

Public health staff are continuing their investigations into the remaining ten cases.

Twenty-five of today’s cases are in Hamilton, two in Ngāruawāhia, two in Ōhaupō, two in Taupiri, one in Morrinsville and the remaining locations are to be confirmed.


There are four new cases to report in the Lakes DHB area today – two of which are in Rotorua and two are in Tāupo.

Three of these cases have links to previously reported cases, while the source of the remaining case is under investigation.

Bay of Plenty 

Today we are reporting eight new cases in the region, all in Tauranga or the wider Western Bay of Plenty. This number includes one mariner aboard the SF Maui, which has been at the Port of Tauranga

Six of these cases are linked to previously reported cases.


There is one new COVID-19 case to report in Taranaki today which is linked to a previously identified case in Northland. This case was reported by Taranaki DHB on Sunday, but is officially included in today’s numbers. The case and their household contacts are isolating in South Taranaki, and at this stage there are no new locations of interest for the region.

Hawke’s Bay

There are eight new cases to report in Hawke’s Bay today, four of which are associated with Te Mata Primary School in Havelock North.

As two of the cases were unknowingly infectious while at school last week a number of individuals have been identified as close contacts. Hawke’s Bay DHB’s Public Health Unit is working closely with the school and the Ministry of Education.

Pop-up testing is available for close contacts of the Te Mata School group today.

The other four Hawke’s Bay cases are linked to known cases.


There are five new cases in the Wellington region today, all are household contacts of existing cases.


Today we are reporting one new case in the Tasman region. This case is linked to a previously reported case.

Investigations are continuing to determine the source of a case who was staying at Tahuna Beach Holiday Park at the time of the positive test.

Mobile testing and vaccination was available at the park over the weekend and Public Health staff are wanting to thank people at the park for the strong testing and vaccination turnout.

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