7,461 community cases; 662 hospitalisations; 13 in ICU; 8 deaths

7,461 community cases; 662 hospitalisations; 13 in ICU; 8 deaths

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Today we are reporting 7,461 community cases and 662 current hospitalisations.

The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 9,000.

We are sadly reporting the deaths of 8 people with COVID-19. All of these deaths occurred during the last two days.

There has been a significant increase in the number of COVID-19-positive hospitalisations this weekend. We know there will also be increased demand for primary and community care services as COVID-19 cases increase.

The Ministry of Health and Te Whatu Ora – Health NZ are closely monitoring this, together with case numbers, as part of our ongoing review and updating of the response to the current community outbreak.

The increase in hospitalisations also emphasises the importance of everybody doing the basics well to help New Zealand get through winter in good shape.  In particular, people who are unwell should stay home, take a rapid antigen test (RAT) and upload the result on MyCovidRecord, and isolate if positive or while still symptomatic.  Everyone should use a mask where required and especially where they may be in contact with vulnerable people – a good rule of thumb is to use a mask in all indoor places outside of your home.  And now is the time to ensure you are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations, including those who are eligible for a second booster dose, as well as having a flu vaccination, which is free for many people.

Keeping ourselves and our tamariki well over the school break

Winter means cold weather, as well as more days indoors where our tamariki can more easily pick up and pass on germs, colds and flu.  

With so many respiratory illnesses circulating, the Ministry is encouraging New Zealanders to pay extra attention to their children’s health, and their own, over the coldest months of the year. 

Here are some winter wellness tips to help keep children healthy:  

  • Keep unwell tamariki at home to give them the best chance to rest and recover, and reduce the spread of infections. 
  • If children have COVID-19 symptoms like a fever, cough, sore throat and headache – rapid antigen test them.  
  • Encourage good hygiene – like regular hand washing, and sneezing or coughing into their elbow or a tissue.
  • A sick child who is still eating and drinking well, can be watched at home until they’re feeling better.   
  • Tamariki between the ages of 3 and 12 are now eligible for, and are encouraged to get, a free flu vaccination. People eligible for a free flu jab can contact their GP, usual healthcare provider or local pharmacy to make a booking. Bookings are available at Healthpoint.
  • To help avoid serious illness, ensure children are up to date with their vaccinations like measles, mumps and rubella (MMR); flu; chicken pox; whooping cough; and for over 5-year-olds, COVID-19.
  • Ventilate your home by opening windows and doors throughout the day.
  • Provide children with healthy food and fresh water to help maintain good health and wellbeing.  
  • Encourage them to be active, especially outside, to help maintain good health and wellbeing, wear a mask if they are old enough, and ensure they get enough sleep. 

Many of these tips are very relevant for adults too. Following these simple tips can help us fight off seasonal illnesses and keep in good shape. Stay well this winter, Aotearoa! 

COVID-19 hospitalisations

  • COVID-19 Cases in hospital: total number 662: Northland: 14; Waitematā: 137; Counties Manukau: 56; Auckland: 68; Waikato: 55; Bay of Plenty: 32; Lakes: 13; Hawke’s Bay: 31; MidCentral: 27; Whanganui: 10; Taranaki: 12; Tairawhiti: 3; Wairarapa: 7; Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley: 68; Nelson Marlborough: 13; Canterbury and West Coast: 74; South Canterbury: 20; Southern: 22.
  • Average age of current COVID-19 hospitalisations: 65
  • Cases in ICU or HDU: 13
  • Vaccination status of new admissions to hospital*: Unvaccinated or not eligible (48 cases); partially immunised <7 days from second dose or have only received one dose (no cases); double vaccinated at least 7 days before being reported as a case (79 cases); received booster at least 7 days before being reported as a case (317 cases).

*These are new hospital admissions in the past 7 days prior to yesterday who had COVID at the time of admission or while in hospital, excluding hospitalisations that were admitted and discharged within 24hrs. This data is from Districts with tertiary hospitals: Auckland, Canterbury, Southern, Counties Manukau, Waikato, Capital Coast, Waitemata and Northland.

COVID-19 vaccinations administered

Vaccinations administered in New Zealand  

  • Vaccines administered to date: 4,028,739 first doses; 3,981,317 second doses; 33,374 third primary doses; 2,688,145 first booster doses: 88,569 second booster doses: 264,661 paediatric first doses and 136,919 paediatric second doses  
  • Vaccines administered yesterday: 17 first doses; 33 second doses; 18 third primary doses; 858 first booster doses; 5,914 second booster doses; 66 paediatric first doses and 576 paediatric second doses.
  • More detailed information, including vaccine uptake by District, is available on the Ministry website.


  • Number of PCR tests total (last 24 hours): 2,833
  • Number of Rapid Antigen Tests reported total (last 24 hours): 11,525
  • PCR tests rolling average (last 7 days): 3,292
  • Number of Rapid Antigen Tests dispatched (in the seven days as of 7 July 2022): 2.5 million


COVID-19 cases

  • Total number of new community cases: 7,461
  • Number of new cases that have recently travelled overseas: 286
  • Seven day rolling average of community cases: 9,000
  • Seven day rolling average of community cases (as at same day last week): 6,895
  • Number of active cases (total): 62,960 (cases identified in the past seven days and not yet classified as recovered)
  •  Confirmed cases (total): 1,421,077
  • Location of new community cases by district over past 24 hours

Please note, the Ministry of Health’s daily reported cases may differ slightly from those reported at a District or local public health service level. This is because of different reporting cut off times and the assignment of cases between regions, for example when a case is tested outside their usual region of residence. Total numbers will always be the formal daily case tally as reported to the WHO.

COVID-19 deaths

Today’s reported deaths take the total number of publicly reported deaths with COVID-19 to 1,671 and the seven-day rolling average of reported deaths is 16.

Of the people whose deaths we are reporting today: four were from Auckland region, one was from Bay of Plenty, one was from Hawke’s Bay, one was from Canterbury / West Coast, and one was from Southern.

One was in their fifties, five were in their 80s, and two were aged over 90. Of these people, three were female and five were male.

This is a very sad time for whānau and friends and our thoughts and condolences are with them. Out of respect, we will be making no further comment on these.

출처 : 7월 10일 보건부 보도자료


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