Community bike fund open for applications

Community bike fund open for applications

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Auckland Transport is proud to launch the first AT Community Bike Fund, with $35,000 of funding available to community groups to support cycling initiatives and projects.

Kathryn King, AT's Walking, Cycling and Road Safety Manager, says the fund has been established to recognise and support the work of community groups that champion bike riding in the region.

"Many community organisations have great ideas to get more people on their bikes, and we are keen to work with them to deliver some creative projects that encourage more people to ride bikes more often.

"We are really committed to promoting cycling as a transport choice and by enabling these groups, we hope even more people will consider riding a bike as a great option to get around Auckland and really activate our cycling infrastructure."

Get funding

Funding is available during 2017/18 for community-focussed projects that encourage riding a bike as a regular transport option, improve cycle safety, and contribute to the normalisation of cycling in Auckland.

The fund can be used for community events, activities, training programmes, and the development of resources and information for specific communities. 

There are three application rounds with the final one closing on 25 March 2018.

Apply online and read the grant policy

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