Dream, create and do with IDEAStarter

Dream, create and do with IDEAStarter

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Young Auckland entrepreneurs are once again being given the chance to get their business idea off the ground through IDEAStarter – a competition which backs young people to ‘dream, create and do’, and turn their energy and ideas into action.   

Entries for IDEAStarter are being accepted now. All Aucklanders aged 15-24 who have an idea for a new product or service can enter individually or as part of a team at the IDEAStarter website.

Help will be available along the way, with free IDEA Generator mentoring sessions to help entrants develop their idea to its full potential and complete their entry.   





Great prizes to be won

Competition judges will award prize packs for the best entries, including iPads and sessions with an expert business mentor to help them grow their entrepreneurial skills.

This is the second year that IDEAStarter has been held. One of the inaugural winners, Andrea Reid – who outlined a plan to connect Auckland's parks and reserves together to make ‘pollination pathways’ – says IDEAStarter “taught me how to take my idea from just an idea to a reality.” 

Andrea’s advice to anyone considering entering IDEAStarter is “to just do it… get on with it and make it happen, because if you just sit around waiting for it to happen nothing’s ever going to change.”  





Great opportunity for youth

Patrick McVeigh, ATEED General Manager Business, Innovation & Skills, agrees, adding that IDEAStarter is a great opportunity for young Aucklanders to help get their business ideas off the ground. 

“IDEAStarter is for people who want to dream up an idea, create new ways of doing things, and do something to transform their community. 

“It’s a great way for creative, enthusiastic young people from across Auckland to get support to develop their ideas. They’ll be able to get support and learn from experts, and potentially turn their ideas – no matter how small or big – into a business of their own.” 

Enter today

For full details on IDEAStarter, or to submit an idea or register for free IDEA Generator mentoring sessions, visit IDEAStarter. Entries close 2 May. 

IDEAStarter is sponsored by The Tindall Foundation and delivered by Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) and Auckland Council’s Youth Connections. 


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