Watch: Quay Street cycleway opens

Watch: Quay Street cycleway opens

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Another link in Auckland's rapidly developing cycle network opened on 8 July.

The Quay Street cycleway is 3m wide and has two lanes. It runs from the intersection of Quay Street and Lower Hobson Street to Plumer Street.

It connects with the Beach Road Cycleway at Britomart Place and by the end of 2018 will link with the Nelson Street Cycleway, the Westhaven to City Cycleway at Princes Wharf and the Tāmaki Drive Cycleway.

Public cycle counter a first for Auckland

A new cycle counter on the promenade, a first for Auckland, will highlight the number of people cycling along one of the city's busiest routes.

Connecting the network 

When phase two of the Nelson Street Cycleway is constructed next year, the city centre cycle loop will be complete. This loop includes Te Ara I Whiti – The Lightpath, and the Nelson Street, Grafton Gully, Beach Road and Quay Street cycleways. 





Transport Minister Simon Bridges, Prime Minister John Key and Auckland Mayor Len Brown at the opening of the Quay Street Cycleway.


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