Parnell train station is open

Parnell train station is open

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Train using Parnell station.


Parnell Train Station officially opened today. The station on Cheshire Street has access to Parnell and will later link to the Auckland Domain, the University of Auckland and AUT.

Auckland Transport chairman Dr Lester Levy says the new $12 million station will become a vital link for students and local residents.


“We are well aware of the needs of the area and we took the attitude that it was vital to get even limited services stopping here as soon as possible.


“We’ve had great support from KiwiRail and the Parnell and university communities to get the station up and running.”

Southern & Western Line trains 

Initially the station is servicing all Southern Line trains, and on the weekends and off-peak it will service Western Line trains.


The station has platforms, shelters, ticket machines and AT HOP card readers, and an underpass to link the platforms.

Improvements coming later this year

When stage one is complete later this year the station will be equipped with electronic gates, CCTV, improved access, mobility parking, and upgraded connections to Cheshire Street and to Nicholls Lane.


Refurbishment of the exterior of the heritage former Newmarket Station building will be completed by KiwiRail.


When the station is complete and receiving full services, up to 2000 passengers a day are expected to get off the train every morning and head to the universities.


Get more information on the project on the Auckland Transport website


출처 : Auckland Council News

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