Be prepared – more wet weather on the way

Be prepared – more wet weather on the way

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Be prepared - more wet weather on the way

The tail end of Cyclone Debbie is forecast to hit the North Island over the next few days. Some areas of Auckland may experience heavy rainfall this week.

With the ground already sodden from a wetter-than-normal March, those with flood-prone properties should start taking precautionary measures before the bad weather sets in.

What should I do?

To keep your property safe from flooding, here are a few tips:

  • Check your drains and clear away any litter, debris, leaves and other objects.
  • Check that your roof gutters are clear and connected to your downpipes so the water flows freely out to drains.
  • Report any blocked or overflowing public street drains – see the Auckland Council website for more information.
  • If your property is prone to flooding, take the time now to move any items in flood-prone areas somewhere they won’t get wet or damaged.


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