Escape of the baby leopard tortoises

Escape of the baby leopard tortoises

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The baby leopard tortoises are tiny, but they have sharp claws.


Auckland Zoo’s baby leopard tortoises are an adventurous bunch, says Donald McFarlane, Team Leader Ectotherms.






“The tortoise crèche is surrounded by large railway sleepers to help keep them contained,” he says.

“However, baby tortoises are famous climbers . . . 

"With the aid of their Wolverine-like claws, they managed to scale the sides of their crèche and escape into the adult area of the tortoise enclosure."

Luckily, the tortoises’ slow-motion dash for freedom was discovered by zoo staff and the babies were returned safely.

Their crèche was then modified to prevent a repeat escape.





Donald McFarlane, Auckland Zoo's Team Leader Ectotherms, with a zoo visitor and one of the adult leopard tortoises. 


출처 : Auckland Council News

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