‘Zero Waste’ fund open for innovative ideas

‘Zero Waste’ fund open for innovative ideas

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Groups with innovative ideas for reducing waste to landfill can apply for grants of up to $5000 from the ‘zero waste’ fund, opening on 1 April until 30 April 2016.

The Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund (WMIF) support activities such as trials, surveys, education programmes and workshops, as well going towards new equipment. Grant recipients must meet at least half the cost of their project. 

“With the fund opening for another round, the call is out for our businesses and community groups to lead the transformation in how we think about and use waste,” says Regional Strategy and Policy Committee chair, Councillor George Wood. 

“Aucklanders have brought a great deal of energy and innovation in finding new ways to reduce, reuse and recycle waste and are making significant contributions to new waste solutions and to our goal of zero waste by 2040.” 

The WMIF fund provides up to $500,000 a year to seed innovative waste solutions from businesses, iwi/Maori, education and community groups. 

Only the grants of up to $5000 are available in this funding round, while the September round funds larger projects, with up to $50,000 available per project. 

Since the first WMIF funding round in April 2013, approximately $1.93 million has been distributed to over 204 projects. It was one of the first actions from the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, adopted in 2012. 

For more information, visit Auckland Council's WMIF page, email aucklandwastefund@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz or call 09 301 0101. 


Auckland Council News

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