Takapuna's laneway to development

Takapuna's laneway to development

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Auckland Council is revitalising Takapuna town centre.


Devonport-Takapuna Local Board Chair Joseph Bergin says the board has a clear message from the community about the revitalisation of the Takapuna town centre: “Just get on and do it.”

Panuku Development Auckland will revitalise the town centre by increasing the number of new homes, as well as introducing laneways that will improve connections to Takapuna beach.

Currently, the town centre is disconnected from the beach, and Panuku is committed to creating a more pedestrian-focused environment with plans to create laneways and well-designed public spaces that improve connections to the sea.

New housing, retail

Auckland Council owns nearly 4ha of land in the town centre, and the first two sites that could be developed by Panuku are the Anzac Avenue carpark and surrounds, and the Gasometer site on Huron and Northcroft streets.

The carpark could be developed to create new housing and retail shops including laneways and public spaces that connect to Hurstmere Green. Meanwhile, the Gasometer site could also be redeveloped for housing, retail and parking.

Takapuna a priority area

Population estimates suggest an additional 1563 dwellings will be needed in the area in the next 15 years. This is why Takapuna was identified in the Auckland Plan as one of nine priority areas where growth and transformation projects should be prioritised.

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