Council committee considers Auckland’s finances

Council committee considers Auckland’s finances

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Council committee considers Auckland’s finances 
The Finance and Performance Committee, one of Auckland Council’s four main decision making bodies, is responsible for monitoring the overall financial management and performance of the council and for the monitoring of council-controlled organisations finances. 
It makes financial decisions and/or recommendations to the council’s Governing Body on setting the council’s 10-year budget, (the Long-term Plan) and its annual budget, which includes the setting of rates every year.  
Councillor Penny Webster is the chair of the committee. “We are embarking on the largest investment programme in our region’s history. The 10-year budget for Auckland outlines how we will invest in our city over the next decade. Never before have we invested so heavily in Auckland. 
“We are facing incredible challenges and opportunities as our region grows. But we are in very good financial shape. With an AA credit rating from Standard & Poor’s, Auckland Council has a higher credit rating than New Zealand banks.” 
The committee meets once a month. View via web streaming here.

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