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20/07/2015. 10:43 KoreaPost (14.♡.48.137)
A recent independent poll has shown that a large
majority of the public support government action on restricting unhealthy food
marketing to children.
The poll carried out in June this year, showed a majority of 73 percent in
favour of Government action on restrictions.
The Horizon Research poll of 1620 New Zealanders’ attitudes to junk food
marketing restrictions was commissioned by the University of Auckland’s School
of Population Health and funded by the Heart Foundation and Cancer Society
It questioned adult New Zealanders (18 years plus) on whether Government
actions were needed to restrict the marketing of unhealthy food to children.
The four main questions around marketing to children were;
• Would you
be in favour or against the Government introducing stronger restrictions to
reduce the amount of unhealthy food and drink advertising and promotion to
children? A total of 73
percent were in favour of government restrictions with 41 percent strongly in
favour and 32 percent somewhat in favour of restrictions.
• Do you
think the government should not regulate, should restrict, or should stop
…using advertising on TV to market unhealthy foods and drinks to children? A total of 80
percent of respondents agreed action was needed with 46 percent supporting
restrictions and 34 per cent saying the government should stop this practice.
• Do you
think the government should not regulate, should restrict or should stop …
featuring unhealthy food and drink brands in games and competitions on websites
aimed at children? A total of 81
percent agreed action was needed with 43 percent saying stop this practice and
38 percent supporting restrictions.
• Do you
think the government should not regulate, should restrict or should stop …
sponsoring children’s sporting activities? A total of 67
percent of respondents agreed action was needed with 42 percent supporting
restrictions and 25 percent saying stop this practice.
“Clearly the public are very supportive of the government taking a much
stronger lead in protecting children and supporting parents by restricting
unhealthy food marketing that targets children,” says Professor Boyd Swinburn
from the University of Auckland’s School of Population Health.
In the survey, parents with children under 18 years were significantly more
supportive of stronger government action on all questions on unhealthy food
marketing to children.
“This is finding is not surprising,” says Professor Swinburn. “Parents do not
like having to say ‘no’ to their children all the time. The pester power that
the marketing to children creates really undermines parents’ efforts to give
their children a healthy diet.”
At present, there are no government restrictions on marketing to children, only
a variety of industry codes which are self-regulated.
The Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Professor Sir Peter Gluckman is
leading a World Health Organisation Commission to End Childhood Obesity and its
interim report noted the ineffectiveness of such self-regulatory approaches,
calling for much stronger government-led restrictions.
Dr Margaret Chan, Director General of WHO, stated in a recent speech at a
Commission meeting that, “To be successful, efforts aimed at reducing the
marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages need support from regulatory and
statutory approaches.”
New Zealand has the third highest rate of childhood obesity among wealthy
countries and many health and consumer groups are calling for strong government
action on marketing to children.
“It’s usually one of the top cost-effective strategies recommended within a
comprehensive approach to reduce childhood obesity, and it’s very clear that
there is strong public backing for such government leadership,” says Professor
The cost of obesity in New Zealand amounts to an estimated $1 billion per year
for healthcare and lost productivity caused by obesity related illnesses such
as diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.
The Horizon Poll study was conducted by Horizon Research and has an overall
margin of error of ±2.5 percent. The sample is weighted to match demographics
for the New Zealand population 18 years of age and over at the 2013 Census.