Applications open for greening grants

Applications open for greening grants

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Applications open for Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Grants 


Papatuanuku Kokiri Marae Sustainability Champions  



Got an environmental project simmering away in the back of your mind – or even on your local reserve? But can’t think how to get it started?

Now’s your chance to make it happen, and here’s how we can help.

Applications for Auckland Council’s 2018/2019 Regional Environment and Natural Heritage (RENH) grants programme open Monday 16 July, with funding on offer of between $5000 and $40,000 for eligible projects.

The contestable grants programme is designed to support groups which protect, restore or enhance Auckland’s significant natural heritage environment. This round sees a particular focus on initiatives that contribute to the city’s environmental priorities and projects supporting environmentally sustainable lifestyles.

Councillor Penny Hulse, Chairperson of the Environment and Community Committee, is looking forward to seeing the submissions from all over the city.

“The awards are a great way of supporting projects in our communities and enabling people to use their own ideas, creativity and initiative to enhance our city,” she says.

“We know Aucklanders care about their environment and I encourage community groups to take advantage of this opportunity for funding to tackle local projects and contribute to protecting our environment.”

Previous years have seen a steady rise in the range of submissions and initiatives proposed.

Last round’s successful entrants included the Shakespear Open Sanctuary Society Inc. which helped reintroduce 20 little spotted kiwis to a new home in the sanctuary. The project provided a safe haven for the kiwis, helped restore the original ecosystem and enabled us human Kiwis to visit, hear and even see an iconic species.

Meanwhile, the Sustainability Champions project by Papatuanuku Kokiri Marae aimed to reduce the amount of household waste going to landfill by 30%. The group worked with whānau in the Māngere rohe to adopt more environmentally conscious lifestyles, including developing a training programme for sustainability parawehi (champions) and a sustainability tool-kit, and more than a thousand students have participated in the marae sustainability programme.

Grants are open to individuals, groups and organisations. Applications close on Friday, 31 August 2018.

Thinking of applying? Here are some key areas the grants programme is looking for in the applications:

  • Sustainable living projects that contribute towards behaviour change, education or adoption of practices that contribute to sustainable living
  • Conservation projects that contribute towards the effective management of a regional priority indigenous ecosystem or species
  • Management of plant and animal pests identified in the Regional Pest Management Strategy
  • Healthy Waters projects that contribute towards protection, improvement and/or the restoration of waterways
  • Kaitiakitanga; projects or activities that empower mana whenua and/or mataawaka kaitiakitanga of Auckland's natural environment.

Find out further information about eligibility and how to apply by visiting the grant details website.

And, if you’ve completed a project since January this year and think it worth an award, check out the Mayoral Conservation Awards; applications have just opened. 

For assistance with applications, please email

출처 :  Auckland Council News


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