NZ Football's stand alongside child refugees is an important one

NZ Football's stand alongside child refugees is an important one

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Race Relations Commissioner Susan Devoy has paid tribute to New Zealand Football for standing alongside some of the world’s most vulnerable children.


Last week 350 soccer balls were delivered to child refugees at the Mangere Refugee Resettlement Centre as they and their families were farewelled before heading off to towns and cities across the country.

“You could see the pure joy on the faces of those youngsters when they were each given a ball to play with. Sport has the power to delight and also unite people no matter what age,” said Dame Susan.

“Getting involved in their local football club is a real way that former refugee families can get to know their new community and join in.”

“This gift is an incredibly generous initiative and we are hugely grateful to NZ Football and the Oceania Football Confederation.”

“We pay tribute to New Zealand Football for standing alongside some of the world’s most vulnerable children. Their stand is an important one.” 

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