Students make their picks for Auckland's leaders

Students make their picks for Auckland's leaders

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As the end of term looms, the votes are coming in at 56 intermediate and high schools across Auckland.

Armed with information about the candidates and the issues facing Auckland, 11 to 15 year olds are deciding who they think should lead the region.

Kids Voting involved over 11,700 students and the results will be announced on 13 October - the same day the official results. 

“Enrolment and voting is a good habit to develop early,” says Marguerite Delbet, General Manager Democracy Services at Auckland Council.

“Some of these kids will be 18 and eligible to vote in our next election, and we want to provide them with the tools and support they need to actively participate in our local democracy and know they can have their say in shaping Auckland as a great place to live.” 


This year has seen the highest participation from Auckland schools since Kids Voting began in 2001 and for the first time council has developed its own resources to be Auckland specific but still fit with the New Zealand curriculum.


Kids Voting is one of the ways the council hopes to stimulate interest among students’ families and encourage eligible voters to cast their ballot turning their good intentions into action. 




출처 : Auckland Council News

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