Planners reviewing feedback on Whenuapai plan

Planners reviewing feedback on Whenuapai plan

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Feedback on proposals to urbanise Whenuapai is being reviewed by planners before a revised version of the draft Whenuapai Structure Plan is reported to the council on 15 September.

The council received 171 submissions, and more than 360 people attended information events.

The final structure plan will detail how the area can be developed to create up to 9600 homes and 8600 jobs over two decades. The aim is to set the highest standard for urban development of greenfield areas.

Key feedback themes

Submitters were keen to retain as much of the area’s character as possible. The most popular topics for feedback were transport, zoning, open spaces and environmental issues.

Feedback also called for protection of coastal areas and the natural and built environment, infrastructure in place before development, roading and transport network improvements, open spaces and recreation areas, well-designed housing including affordable homes, local jobs, shops and schools.

Reporting back to the community

The council proposes to report back to the community at a public meeting after the plan is finalised.

This will include details about the preparation of a district plan change to rezone the land and give effect to the structure plan, which will involve further public consultation.

Working with the Unitary Plan

Following the recommendations of the Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel on 27 July, details around issues like intensification levels and staging may be subject to the council’s decision version of the Unitary Plan, scheduled for notification on 19 August.

Future urban zones in other greenfield parts of the north, north-west and south of the region have the potential to provide 110,000 homes over three decades, in response to the city’s housing needs.

For more information visit or phone 09 301 0101.

출처 : Auckland Council News

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