Find out what makes Auckland's economy tick.
Want to know more about Auckland's economy?
After a one-year hiatus, the council’s Auckland Economic Quarterly has been relaunched. The first edition from the council's new Chief Economist, David Norman, and his team was published on 28 February.
The Auckland Economic Quarterly will deal with challenges and opportunities facing our city’s economy, as well as providing updates on Auckland's economic performance.
Chief Economist David Norman says the new Auckland Economic Quarterly is intended to be a one-stop source for people to learn more about what makes the Auckland economy tick.
“Our goal is to provide thought leadership and empirical evidence that people find informative, interesting and accessible, not just appealing to academics or economists alone.”
This year’s first Auckland Economic Quarterly looks at how we measure housing affordability and why more accurate ways to calculate changes in affordability are needed.
Read the full Auckland Economic Quarterly (PDF 7KB).
You can also learn more about the Chief Economist Office and sign up to have the Auckland Economic Quarterly sent to you by email.