NZ 뉴스 해석-Wynyard Quarter 에 초특급 호텔 2017년 완공 목표로...

NZ 뉴스 해석-Wynyard Quarter 에 초특급 호텔 2017년 완공 목표로...

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해럴드지 뉴스를 통해 키위 영어에 더욱 익숙해질 수 있는 영상입니다.

Go-ahead for $200m luxury hotel

9월 9일자 뉴질랜드 해럴드지의 비즈니스란에 올려진 뉴스 중의 하나입니다.
오클랜드의 Wynyard Quarter 에 중국 그룹의 투자로 195개의 객실을 가진 7층 건물로 들어서게 된다. 내년부터 공사를 시작해서 오는 2017년에 완공할 예정이라는 기사입니다.

이 호텔의 규모와 사업 계획 등에 대한 내용 설명과 함께 존키 총리와 렌브라운 시장이 이를 환영하며 어떤 기대 효과를 가지는 지 등에 대해 설명한 내용입니다.

상단의 영상은 기사 원본을 영어 튜터 리차드의 음성과 함께 읽어볼 수 있습니다. 아래의 영상은 기사 내용 분석과 표현에 대한 구체적인 설명 내용입니다.

관련한 번역 기사는 아래의 링크를 클릭하시면 한글로 보실 수 있습니다.

0909 Wynyard Quarter.jpg

Wednesday, 09 September 2015   By Vaimoana Tapaleao 
Work on a $200 million luxury hotel on Auckland's waterfront will start next year after the project was granted resource consent this week.

Auckland Council's Panuku Development Auckland branch made the announcement this morning. The building will be one of the largest Chinese investments in New Zealand infrastructure.

The hotel - to be referred to as the Park Hyatt Auckland - will be managed by the world-renowned Hyatt Group and will be built with the help of the Fu Wah International Group, which announced its plans for the hotel in November.

The group will invest around $200 million in the project, with $2.5 million going to the development of a new space for the public immediately around the hotel, which will be located at Wynyard Quarter.

The building will bring an element of extravagance to the area, standing at seven storeys high.

It will have 195 rooms, a ballroom, entertainment facilities, health centre and day spa and will have a total floor area of 29,000sq m.

Panuku Development Auckland's interim chief, John Dalzell, said having a quality hotel in the city would create a new standard of "premium accommodation" in the region.

"This is a landmark site for Wynyard Quarter and is deserving of a building of the standard the developer and its design team have come up with," he said.

"It's great to see it pass this latest milestone and we look forward to the positive impact the hotel will have on the waterfront and the region."

Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism John Key yesterday praised the new hotel, saying that it would provide a huge boost for local tourism.

Auckland Mayor Len Brown, who is in China, said that such a hotel would help not only to attract the very rich to Auckland, but would also create more jobs in the city's business district.

"This hotel means more jobs and a strong step into the lucrative but largely untapped high-net-worth individuals tourism sector - which will be a huge benefit to Auckland's economy and future."

The hotel will open in 2017.
