[구인] 한국TV에 나갈 광고 모델을 급하게 찾고 있슴.

[구인] 한국TV에 나갈 광고 모델을 급하게 찾고 있슴.

0 개 2,411 KoreaTimes
Barefoot Casting에서는 Waterlase MD라고 부르는 치아 기구를 선전하는 광고를 만들기 위해 20대 후반에서 30대 초반의 한국인 엄마와 한국말을 할 수 있는 7살에서 9살까지의 여자아이을 찾고있다.

이 광고는 11월 뉴질랜드에서 찍은 후 올 12월 부터 1년간 한국 TV 광고에 나간다고 한다.

오디션은 폰손비(Ponsonby)에서 8일(목요일) 아침 9시 부터 오후 5시까지 할 예정이다.
선발된 사람에게는 출연료도 지불할 것이라고 연락왔다.

출연을 원하시는 사람은 Barefoot Casting에 Mike와 Matt(문의 전화 376 1000)에게 연락하면 된다.

위의 사진은 광고에 나갈 콘티이며, 이번 촬영에 어떤식으로 할 것인지는 Barefoot Casting에서 보낸 원문을 개재한다.

Waterlase MD. Television Commercial treatment.

Soft gentle guitar music in background of commercial.

The camera drifts gently on to a handsome caucasian dentist in his mid thirties.
He is in the dentall surgery, but the background is out of focus and very light.
He smiles and says “Hi”

We see a close up of two female hands making the shape of a heart,
the camera gently moves away and we see it is a pretty caucasian dental nurse, her
mask has been pulled down and she is smiling.

We see a handsome grey haired dentist, he smiles and gives a thumbs up signal.

We see a caucasian boy who is about 8, he is standing by the dentists chair as if he
has just finished, he says, in English, “ Didn’t hurt like I thought”.
This is translated into Korean subtitles.

We see a caucasian lady in her mid thirties, she sits up in the dentists chair and says,
in English, “Hardly any bleeding, it’s great”. This is translated into Korean subtitles.

We see an older caucasian man with grey hair, in the dentists chair, he says “Not so
noisy, much nicer”. This is translated into Korean subtitles.

We see a pregnant caucasian lady in the dentists chair. We can see her round belly,
she says “Comfortable, even if you’re pregnant”

We cut to a wide shot of a dental surgery, it is very stylish and clean. Luxurious,
spacious and modern, very light. There are 2 or 3 dentists using Waterlase machines.
Over this image, we hear the announcers voice: (English with Korean subtitles)
All over the USA and Europe dental patients are more comfortably treated with
Waterlase MD.

We see a computer generated demostration of the Waterlase, on a light blue background.

We see a Korean mother and child smiling happily.

Announcer over this image: Now in Korean dental clinics, smile with Waterlase MD.
We see the animated sequence of the smiley face, “Search Waterlase on the internet”
and the Korean Waterlase logo.

We see the happy Korean mother & child from before, they are walking past a
Waterlase Clinic in a nice street.

The little girl says happily to her mother, in Korean, “ Mom! - This is the dental clinic
that brings me less pain!”


뭐?? 게이라구??

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