Becky: We’re going on a road trip next week…I’m so excited!
우리 다음주에 여행갈거야..너무 흥분돼!
Rachel: Cool! Where are you going?
좋겠다! 어디로 가는데?
Becky: We’re going to the South Island…all the way down to Dunedin, down the East coast. There are four of us going, so we’ll be able to split the gas.
우리 남섬으로 갈거야..Dunedin을 지나서 the East coast로 내려 갈거야.네명이서 기름값은 분배하기로했어.
Rachel: That’s good; petrol is so expensive these days. Who are you going with?
그거 좋네. 요즘에 기름이 너무 비싸.누구랑 가는거야?
Becky: I’m going with my friends Sam, Tim and Anna. I’ve been travelling with them before and we’ve been good friends for ages so there should be no dramas. Anna does get really seasick though, so that should be interesting on the Interislander!
내친구 Sam, Tim,그리고Anna랑 갈거야.전에도 그 친구들이랑 여행한적이 있고 우리는 오랜 친구니까 아무런 트러블이 없을거야. Anna가 배멀미가 심해서 interislander (Ferry) 를 타면 (Anna가 멀미하는 모습을 보면서) 아주 재밌을거야.
Rachel: Dunedin…that’s a long way. Do you have a reliable car?
Dunedin이면 아주 먼데잖아. 차는 있어?
Becky: Well, it’s a bit of an old bomb. But she’ll be right.
응..좀 고물차긴한데 걱정할거 없어.
Rachel: Hope you’re an AA member then!
그럼 AA멤버면 좋을텐데.
Becky: Don’t worry, I am. You’re from the South Island aren’t you? Can you recommend any good places on the East coast?
걱정마. 나 멤버쉽있어. 너 남섬에서 온거 맞지? East coast에 괜찮은 곳 있으면 추천해 줘.
Rachel: The whole coast by Kaikoura is beautiful. There are seals there in the summer too. They really stink, but they’re gorgeous. And the Moeraki boulders are great. They’re huge rocks that are round – they look like dinosaur eggs! You’ll love Dunedin too. It has lovely old buildings from the time of the Gold Rush.
Kaikoura옆 해안은 다 아름다워. 여름엔 물개도 있고, 냄새가 나긴하지만 정말 멋져. Moeraki의 바위들도 굉장해. 마치 공룡 알처럼생긴 큰 바위들이 주변에 있어.너 또한 Dunedin을 좋아하게 될거야. Gold Rush시대의 멋있는 건물들도 있거든.
Becky: Great – it’s always good to have recommendations.
추천해 줘서 너무 좋다.
Rachel: Well I hope you have fun. Think of me, back at work while you’re swanning around the South Island!
즐거운 여행이 됐으면 좋겠다.
네가 남섬에서 놀고있는동안 일하고 있는 나도 좀 생각해 주고!
Road trip – A holiday which involves driving a long way, usually with friends rather than family. Accommodation on a road trip is usually as cheap as possible, for example if you’re travelling in a van you might sleep in the van, or you might sleep in a tent. 장거리 여행
split the gas - 모든 사람들이 기름값을 분배해서 낸다.
no dramas -아무런 문제가 없다.
Interislander – The Interislander is the main ferry service between the North and South islands of New Zealand. The ferry runs between Wellington (in the North) and Picton (in the South). 뉴질랜드의 남섬과 북섬을 운행하는 Ferry를 말한다.
an old bomb –오래된 고물차
she’ll be right –차는 괜찮을거야. ( 영어에서는 차를 “She” 로 표현한다)