Losing a job (실직)- by St George Institute of Learning

Losing a job (실직)- by St George Institute of Learning

0 개 2,128 Hannah Han
Losing a job!

Jimmy:    I was let go last week.
Theresa: What? Why did they lay you off? You were one of their best?
Jimmy:    I got my walking papers last Friday.
Theresa:  So, officially, you’ve been out of work since last Friday.
Jimmy:    I still can’t believe, I’ve been sacked!
Theresa: Maybe it’s better for you. You were only just making a living there.
              How much did you get paid an hour?
Jimmy:    Guess
Theresa: Maybe around $ 12 dollars?
Jimmy:   That’s right. How did you guess that?
Theresa: That just popped into my head.12 dollars is the minimum hourly rate in NZ
              And you have been always complaining that you would get better pay at
              Burger King.
Jimmy:   You are right!
              Well I better be positive and start to look for a new job.
              I’m sure I can rake it in at other places!
Theresa: That’s the spirit!

Jimmy:    나는 지난주에 직장에서 실직됐어.
Theresa:  뭐? 왜 네가 잘려? 너 그 회사에서 최고의 사원이잖아.
Jimmy:    지난금요일에 통보를 받았어.
Theresa:  그럼 공식적으로 지난 금요일부터 실직된 거구나
Jimmy:    아직도 내가 잘린 게 믿기지가 않아!
Theresa:  너한테 잘된 일일지도 몰라. 거기서는 월금도 많이 못 받았잖아.
               너 시간당 얼마를 받았었니?
Jimmy:    한번 맞춰봐
Theresa:  한 12불?
Jimmy:    맞아. 그런데 어떻게 알았어?
Theresa:  그냥 그런생각이 들었어.12불이 뉴질랜드 최저 임금이잖아.
               그리고 항상 네가 차라리 버거킹에서 일하는게 낫겠다고 불평해 왔잖니.
Jimmy:     맞아.
               그냥 이번일은 긍정적으로 받아들이고 이제 새 직장을 찾아보도록 해야겠다.
               분명 다른 데서 훨씬 더 많이 받을 수 있을거야.
Theresa:  그래, 좋게 생각해!

1.  be let go 실직 되다. 해고 당하다
= get/be fired; be/get laid off, be/get sacked, be out of work
Be let go 는 be fired라는 표현보다 조금은 격식을 갖춘 표현이다.
죽다의 표현을 가진”to die” 를 “ to pass away”로 표현하는것과 같다.

eg. *Why did he get fired?
      *He got laid off from his job

cf. I am between jobs. 나는 백수야

2. lay off 해고 하다
   =let someone go
eg) * they let a number of the older workers go.
      * John was not working as well as we had hoped, and we had to let him go

cf. Lay off 의 수동형 (be/get 동사 + 동사 현재완료형)인 be/get laid off는 위에서 설명한것  과 같이 “해고를 당하다” 가된다.

3.    Make a living 생활비를 벌다
       =earn (get) a living / earn minimum wage
       eg) I only earn the minimum wage.
       반) Make a good living= 돈을 잘 벌다

4.      rake it in 돈을 잔뜩 벌다. 돈을 긁어모으다.
    eg.A: Is the casino business profitable?
         B: Sure. They really rake it in.

cf.   get (have) money to burn 돈이 아주 많다 = be loaded
eg. * On Payday, People always have money to burn
      월급날에는 사람들 주머니가 늘 풍족하다.
      * I have an uncle who’s loaded
      나에겐 아주 돈 많은 삼촌이 있다,

5.   That’s the sprit!  좋게 생각해! 그래 바로 그거야!
    = Now you are talking! It’s all for the best!

******Consoling expression (위로와 격려의표현)*******
Everything will fall into place. / Everything will work itself out
In the long haul, it will all work out. / I am confident it will work out.
Things could be worse./ it’s not as bad as all that/ You are making a mountain out of a mole-hill.

6. Pop into one’s head 갑자기 떠오르다
eg.  A: How did you remember the password? 비밀번호 어떻게 기억했어요?
       B: Oh. It just popped into my head. 갑자기 떠올랐어요.

cf. slip one’s mind 깜빡하다
eg. A: Did you pick up my suit at the dry cleaner’s?
      B: No. sorry, it slipped my mind.

cf. pop을 이용한 여러가지 표현
Pop in 방문하다
Pop out 잠시 나가다
Pop over 잠시 방문하다
Pop up 불쑥 나타나다.

번역,해설: Hannah Han (korean@stgeorge.ac.nz)


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