웰링턴 시티 Fusion Korean 레스토랑 매매합니다.

웰링턴 시티 Fusion Korean 레스토랑 매매합니다.

0 개 1,480 wellywelly
웰링턴 시티에서 성업중인 Fusion Korean 레스토랑 매매합니다.
About this Business for sale in Wellington Central
Successful Fully Licensed Restaurant For Sale-Got stronger sales even after lockdown-mostly local based customers

Fantastic opportunity to take over a well-established profitable business and make money from day one.

This busy, fully-licensed restaurant is located in a sought after area in Wellington City. Surrounded by businesses, shops, offices, Victoria Hall, as well as apartment complexes and hotels; here is a wide range of customers for continued patronage.

Awesome CBD location
Large premises - 115m2
Attractive rent for such a space
7 years long lease
50 seating capacity and outdoor seating is available
Open 6 days for lunch and dinner
Very short trading hours
All equipment in good working order
Great turnover and profit
With the opportunity to expand opening days and hours to generate further revenue, this business offers great value.

You could easily slot in here and continue with the success of the current operation, consistently making a profit and have great potential for further growth.

This is a regretful sale, but the current owner is looking to focus on family and is offering the opportunity to someone to continue to grow and develop this successful business.


To find out more, press the “Enquire Now” button to complete an online confidentiality agreement.

***Some details of the business for sale are confidential and can only be disclosed upon contacting the broker and a completion of a Confidentiality Agreement. Due to the confidentiality of this business a stock photo image may be used to represent the business.

Phone:+64 4 472 7602
Mobile:+64 21 158 5110
Benny Wang

*Profit: Sellers Discretionary Earnings, also known as EBPITD (Earnings Before Proprietors Compensation, Interest, Tax and Depreciation). This is the estimated total discretionary earnings (profit) for a business, usually based on historical trading

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