풀리노베이션 3배드, 애완동물

풀리노베이션 3배드, 애완동물

주소, 위치:
77 Ruawai Road,, Mount Wellington, Auckland City, Auckland,
방, 화장실:
3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms
Residential > For rent > House
에이전트 이름:
Joshua Hwang
Licensed Agent (REAA):
021 394996
Not allowed
주당 렌트비:
가족 수:
Residential > For rent > House

The viewing time is on 20 January 2025 at 12pm and 25 January at 10am!!  

To book a viewing time, please send me a TEXT message. If there are no confirmed viewing times with the manager, you will not receive any notification if we reschedule for another time.

This fully renovated home features a single-level layout with three bedrooms, one bathroom, and a separate toilet with a laundry room. The kitchen is designed with an open-plan living and dining area. There is a single carport and off-street parking space for three vehicles. Enjoy easy access from the living area to a large rear timber deck, perfect for outdoor living. Additionally, a ranch slider opens out to a front timber deck from the dining area. The house is fully fenced and includes a metal gate for added security. The renovated kitchen is well-equipped with a new cooktop, built-in electric oven, dishwasher, waste disposal, and ample storage space.

This property is conveniently located near Sylvia Park, a train station, and bus services, with easy access to the motorway.


  • A super convenient location
  • Fully renovated quality single-level home providing 3 bedrooms,  1.5 bathrooms and a detached carport
  • Ventilation system and new heat pump
  • New bathroom, new kitchen, new floor covers, new painting and new quality appliance!!!
  • Large section with fully fenced.

·         Pets are negotiable. Must be registered with the council and have a microchip!! 1 small dog(less than 4kg) or 1 cat only. When vacating the rental property, the entire house, including carpets, must be professionally cleaned, deodorized, and treated for fleas. Tenants with pets are responsible for the costs of this cleaning, as pets can leave allergens that may affect future tenants. Additionally, carpets must be professionally cleaned and treated for fleas on an annual basis. The landlord will arrange for the cleaning service, and the tenant will be responsible for all cleaning and pest control expenses. Under the proposed plan, Landlords might be able to charge an additional pet bond, up to a maximum of 2 weeks' rent.

Full Move in Costs:

-  Bond (4 weeks rent): $3,000

-  one week rent in advance: $750

-  Total Move in Costs: $3,750.00

To expedite the application process, you can complete an online application before attending the viewing.

Please be aware that our application service is available online (via the Trademe site above).

Alternatively, you can register your interest and apply online through our website: https://renti.co/browse/propertysage

If you are interested, please text or email me to arrange the viewing time.

Joshua Hwang



풀 리노베이션 3 배드룸 입니다.

실비아파크, 모터웨이 근접

연락주세요~ 감사합니다


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11217 제스트 아파트 카팍 구합니다.
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11216 타카푸나 2배드 1바스
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11215 Sunnynook 3 bedroom 1 bathroom
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