새집 방3개 반려동물

새집 방3개 반려동물

주소, 위치:
8 Kautawa Lane, Massey, Waitakere City, Auckland,
방, 화장실:
3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms
Residential > For rent > Townhouse
에이전트 이름:
Joshua Hwang
Licensed Agent (REAA):
021 394996
Not allowed
주당 렌트비:
가족 수:
Residential > For rent > Townhouse

BRAND NEW quality construction townhouse features three bedrooms and one family bathroom upstairs, complete with a frameless shower, LED mirror, wall hung vanity unit, tile wall linings and toilet. An additional toilet is conveniently located downstairs near the laundry. The open-plan living, dining, and kitchen area includes the quality appliances and extends to a private timber deck. A heat pump ensures comfort year-round, keeping you cool during the summer and warm in the cooler months.

Located in the heart of Massey, this property provides easy access to nearby shops, schools, and public transportation. It is about one kilometre from Westgate Shopping Centre and only a 5-minute drive to North-west Shopping Centre, with convenient access to motorways.

Features are –

Brand new quality  three bedrooms

A quality family bathroom upstairs, plus a separate guest toilet and laundry on the ground level 

A sleek designer kitchen with engineered stone countertops  and quality appliances 

Open-plan kitchen, dining, and living areas seamlessly flowing into a sunny, private timber deck offering views 

Heat pump for enhanced comfort 

Double-glazed windows 

Excellent location in Massey

Pets are negotiable. Must be registered with the council and have a microchip!! 1 small dog or 1 cat only. When vacating the rental property, the entire house, including carpets, must be professionally cleaned, deodorized, and treated for fleas. Tenants with pets are responsible for the costs of this cleaning, as pets can leave allergens that may affect future tenants. Additionally, carpets must be professionally cleaned and treated for fleas on an annual basis. The landlord will arrange for the cleaning service, and the tenant will be responsible for all cleaning and pest control expenses. Under the proposed plan, Landlords might be able to charge an additional pet bond, up to a maximum of 2 weeks' rent.

Full Move in Costs:

-  Bond (4 weeks rent): $2480

-  One week rent in advance: $620

-  Total Move in Costs: $3100.00

To expedite the application process, you can complete an online application before attending the viewing.

Please be aware that our application service is available online (via the Trademe site above).

Alternatively, you can register your interest and apply online through our website: https://renti.co/browse/propertysage

If you are interested, please text or email me to arrange the viewing time.

Joshua Hwang 


The viewing time is on 3 January 2025 at 1 pm and 4 January at 10:30 am.

To book a viewing time, please send me a TEXT message. If there are no confirmed viewing times with the manager, you will not receive any notification if we reschedule for another time.

노스웨스트 쇼핑센터 근접한 방3개 뉴타운하우스 입니다

반려동물 네고 가능합니다.

관심있으시면 언제든 연락주세요. 


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11210 오클랜드 시티 스튜디오 렌트있습니다
크리스마스재미있겠다| 113 Vincent street 스튜디오 렌트 주당 … 더보기
조회 214
11209 알바니 2베드룸 아파트 $650
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조회 362
11208 다운타운 근접 스튜디오 $410
nzKavan| 다운타운과 가까워서 인기 많은 스튜디오!*새 카펫으로 … 더보기
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11207 방3개 애완동물
PropertySage| The house is currently undergo… 더보기
조회 271
11206 다운타운과 가까운 2베드룸 + 1카팍 $670불
nzKavan| 다운타운 및 오대와 인접한 2베드룸 아파트!1 carp… 더보기
조회 194
11205 다운타운 인접 2베드룸 $500불
nzKavan| 다운타운 및 오대와 인접한 2베드룸 아파트!일반 아파트… 더보기
조회 242
11204 *단기 모두포함 $390/주* 2베드룸 시티
nzKavan| 오늘 부터 1월 말 사이에 단기 입주하시는 분께 파격적… 더보기
조회 317