신규업소 등록

Paloma Gardens (Private) 파로마 개인가든

Pohutukawa Ln, Fordell, New Zealand
이메일 주소

Paloma Gardens (Private)

The garden commenced in 1990 but is maturing rapidly due to the mild, almost frost-free climate. The Higgies have specialized in exotic flora to produce a landscape like no other in New Zealand. From the first dramatic view of the amphitheatre with its banks clothed with a huge variety of plants ranging from the familiar to the curious and unusual, the visitor will be enthralled. Palms, cycads, bamboos and trees - from the Pacific, Asia, and Africa, all have their allotted space while an entire hillside is devoted to an assemblage of Aloe, Agave, Yucca, cacti and succulents. A large pond in the centre of the garden is crossed by an arched bridge and doubles as the family swimming pool. An older area surrounds the house where there are maturing specimens of palms, cycads and tree ferns. Large plants of Aloe bainesii and A. polyphylla can be found here. A short distance away the Cycad House provides shelter for a range of interesting dry climate plants - Dioon, Pachypodium and the strange climbing Dioscorea and the like. Close by the car park shows an extensive collection of bamboo in large containers. There is a sizeable arboretum planted on the surrounding farmland.

Opening Hours and Tariffs

Open daily Entry $10 Guided tours available for an extra fee