신규업소 등록

Government House Garden Auckland (Public) 가버먼트 하우스 가든(퍼브릭)

119 Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand
이메일 주소

Government House Garden Auckland (Public)

Exotic species of trees are increasingly complemented by trees and shrubs native to New Zealand. Some of the trees, which date from the 1870s, and the garden retains the lava outcrops and the original vegetation that were once a feature of the area. The house was built in 1921 by Sir Frank and Lady Mappin who spent 45 years combining the natural features of the site, existing trees and new plantings to develop the garden we see today. The Mappins gifted the house and garden to the Crown in 1966 for use as a vice-regal residence. It is a permanent challenge to maintain the original character of the garden in a climate that encourages lush growth. Maintenance and development of the garden is under the direction of a management plan and a garden committee. Management goals are based on the recognition that the garden is a national treasure and seek to conserve its historical, botanical and design values.

Opening Hours and Tariffs

By appointment only Admission is free